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Jay and Jungwon's mom were sitting in the living room of the Yang home, thinking of what to do about Jungwon. Jay was very apologetic about "losing" Jungwon but he was very surprised as Mrs. Yang took his explaining very calmly, leading Jay to think even more that there was some secret behind his behaviour, maybe it was actually something regular.


The home phone in Jungwon's house sounded, and Jay was startled by it and looked the direction of where it's from, Mrs. Yang said "I'll get it" and hurried over to the kitchen and picked it up. "Hello, Yang residence..."

"Mom it's Jungwon," the voice came out on the other end. Jay heard it and was glad he was okay.

"Where are you honey?" Mrs. Yang asked calmly.

"At someone's house, I'm sorry for not coming back by 9..."

"Stop apologising, Jungwonie it's okay," she said soothingly. "Are you far away, do you want me to come pick you up?"

"...well the hyung said i could stay here tonight, if it is a bother to you..."

"It's not, send me the address and I'll come with Jay to pick you up."

"...ah Jay-hyung is with you?"

"Yes honey, he's at our house right now. You quickly send me the address and i'll come okay?"

"Okay–" Jungwon replied then suddenly there was heard a sharp inhale of pain, "Are you okay honey?" asked his mom and Jungwon answered quickly, "Yeah I'm fine, I'll send you the address now, Mom. I'm hanging up now."

"All right honey, love you," Mrs. Yang said and she could hear some mumbling of someone's voice other than her son's and there was some movement on the other end before the call ended. She bit her lip thinking that Jungwon was scratched again, but that only meant something, she realised that the Curse was very mad at Jungwon. And the Curse was mad at Jungwon only when there was potential threat to...

It didn't take long for Mrs. Yang to realise Jay is crushing on her son. 


Heeseung had heard Jungwon's sudden gasp and turned his head to see Jungwon's wrists scratched and bleeding. "Ay what happened?!" he said urgently. 

"It's nothing..." Jungwon said weakly. "It's just the Curse...she does things like this to me when she's mad." 

Heeseung nodded to Jungwon and brought some rags and bandages, and he looked around the living room to see if there were anything Jungwon could have used to cut himself when Heeseung wasn't looking. There weren't any. 

"Well anyways my mom will come to pick me up," Jungwon said weakly as Heeseung helped tend to the wounds. "Thanks a lot hyung, i'm sorry for the trouble i caused you..."

"No it's okay," Heeseung said, "there's probably a reason why you ended up here. I keep on thinking your name is so familiar, like I've heard of a 'Jungwon' before...but whatever. I might have not, I don't remember. But really, it's okay. It's good to help you." Heeseung concentrated on bandaging Jungwon's wrist, and when he finished he looked at Jungwon's face and said, "So the monster just came out and scratched you?"

"Yes hyung..." Jungwon said meekly.

"Then where it is now?" asked Heeseung.

"I don't know...they always come and go unexpectedly and it seems now that only I can see them. I didn't know that before." Jungwon looked upset.

"So why does the Curse do that to you?" Heeseung wanted to understand the situation as clear as possible, he didn't want to mistake a statement and offended anyone.

"Ah so it's this..." Jungwon said. He had already spoken so much to a stranger and if there's danger then there's danger, so why not speak more now? He only knew Heeseung for an hour and he's telling the hyung all his secrets. It was also that Jungwon thought Heeseung looked familiar but he's not sure. He started to answer Heeseung's question, "So hyung, I think it's this, that the Black Curse picks children when they are very small, but no one knows how she picks her children. Then I was picked, and for me I have a curse on me that if I kiss anyone or get kissed on the lips ever then i will die." he stopped and looked down for a second, because it seemed strange to him, it's the first time he's saying the secret out loud.

Heeseung sensed it wasn't over so he didn't say anything.

So Jungwon picked back up, "I don't have many people close to me, just my family which is my parents and sister, and i have a friend named Sunoo but that's about it, because Sunoo likes someone else a lot so he wouldn't ever kiss me."

Heeseung nodded, this was interesting.

"But recently when school started, there is a hyung who I think likes me, and this has happened before and whenever it happens the Black Curse gives me some warnings and I am cold to those people and so they leave me alone. But this Jay-hyung, he doesn't leave me alone. I was walking with him today outside the lake and we were close so I think the curse was very mad at me for this so she came, and it was the worst i've ever seen," Jungwon shuddered and looked at Heeseung.

Heeseung had a blank expression, unreadable, on his face and in his mind he thought this was so like fiction but what Jungwon has brought to him today, it is probably true. "Will you tell the hyung about this so he will leave you alone?"

"That's also a problem," Jungwon felt close to tears, "I get threatened not to tell anyone, even me telling you now the curse will probably get really mad, you see she likes to torture me, that's why I'm not allowed to be romantically loved but at the same time I can't tell them! Even besides my mom...I don't stay around my sister and dad...because the curse doesn't like anyone who loves me to be near me."

Heeseung patted Jungwon's knee and didn't say anything, at these times you don't need to talk, you just need to listen. He looked at Jungwon's face and suddenly thought he realised how he knew Jungwon.

"Ay Jungwon, you said your last name is yang?"

"Yes hyung."

"You face reminds me of my girlfriend."

"Ah Heeseung-hyung, no way!" Jungwon caught on and began to smile, a good sign. "You are dating my sister?"

"Yang Iseul? Yeah I am dating her," Heeseung confirmed and grinning, "I mean unless you don't give me permission to, she is your sister afterall."

"Ah Heeseung-hyung of course 'yes'! I knew my sister had a boyfriend but we interact so little I didn't know anything about him...wow my sister is lucky!" Jungwon felt happy about the news and heeseung was happy to see Jungwon seem for relieved now. 

"Haha, it's just such a coincidence," Heeseung said, "well tell your sister i said hi." 

"Okay," Jungwon said with a smile, "wow yeah it's really a coincidence!"

The tension in the air was gone for now, the two sat on the couch and ate snacks and watched a TV show until Jungwon's mother rang the doorbell and knocked. 

"Ayyyy...my mom said Jay-hyung would be here too..."

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