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"Good night, Jungwon baby..."

Mrs. yang planted a kiss on the young child's forehead then quietly exited the room. She whispered excitedly to her husband in the hallway, there Jungwon is so cute. She closed the door and walked out the hall. 

In a couple hours or so the parents went to their bedroom to sleep and the house was dark and quiet. 

A sudden gust of wind was present in baby Jungwon's room, a black clad hooded figure came out of the wind and crept to the child's side. Her hair, black ringlets, could be seen from out of the hood, and she stooped over Jungwon. She touched his face with her bony white finger, then she run the finger over his little lips. 

Baby Jungwon just lay there because he was still asleep, he didn't wake up. Then there was gusts of wind again, and the lady vanished. It seemed that nothing had happened at all. 


"He is acting strange since this morning," Mrs. yang fretfully told the doctor. "he seemed fine last night and everything. please tell us what is wrong?"

The doctor examined baby Jungwon and scanned him a few times with certain equipment, at last he sighed and explained to the  parents, "Jungwon was visited by the Black Curse."

"What is black curse?" Mr. Yang asked, alarmed. 

"Its... a lady wearing black, she randomly appears and disappears and seems to randomly choose her victims... nobody can catch her. "

"what does she do?" Mrs. yang whispered.

"She curses the children..." the doctor said regretfully. "as for Jungwon, he cannot kiss or be kissed on his lips, or he will die." 

"No..." Mrs. Yang began to cry.

"It's okay..." her husband comforts her. "he is alive now."

"I am sorry..." the doctor said remorsefully, "but please take care. He will be just like other children, it's just this one fault." 

"Thank you for telling us," and the parents leave. 

They then determined they do not want jungwon to fall in love ever and would discourage him from doing so. 

There ideas and plans worked...at least until Jungwon was in high school. 

Death Kiss // Jaywonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن