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On his way to he didn't know where, Jungwon saw Jake and Sunghoon. ! Maybe they knew where Jay was. "Um, Jake Hyung, do you maybe happen to know where Jay-hyung is?" he asked hesitantly. He felt strange when Jake and Sunghoon looked at each other at the same time, before Jake answered, "Uh, I think he went home like, a while ago, maybe...thirty minutes ago?"

"Ah, okay, thank you," Jungwon said hastily bowed and left.

"Wait, do you know what happened to Jay's–" but Jungwon was already gone.

Jungwon had been to Jay's luxurious home just once, to work on a project. Surprisingly he remembered which stop to come off, and the right turns to walk to come to Jay's neighbourhood.

Oh great. Jungwon had forgotten about the gate. It wouldn't open without a passcode.

He remembered that Jake lived here also, so he texted Jake in hope for an answer. But Jake was probably busy, because he didn't answer. Jungwon was agitated. It was already forty minutes since he saw Jay at the party. Anything could have happened to him by now.

A wind swept over him, and Jungwon shivered. He looked up and saw it was starting to snow. Right, the forecast had said it would snow tonight, he had forgotten. He hoped Jay wasn't somewhere helplessly out in the open.

The situation hindered Jungwon from acknowledging the simple beauty of the snow lightly falling, he was freaking out with no idea of what to do.

Then he had ideas. He looked around him and there was no one. Of course there were cameras though, but in the dark, Jungwon felt more secure at least. Besides, Jay was more important than some silly little trespassing. He went to the edge of the fence near a bush, jumped and grasped onto the gate's top edge. He heaved himself over and jumped off onto the other side, scratching his arm on a sharp point of the gate in the process. Jungwon didn't care and maybe even felt bad that the wound was so minor, because it wasn't anything close to what he had done to Jay's arm.

Now the road went down to paths, each disappearing in tall trees. And to lend to that, it was dark with a few bright street lamps. Great.

But Jungwon ran down the left road and turned to the next road without stopping. How did he remember it so well?

He shouldn't be able to remember it, but Jay was first in his heart right now. His will and determination will bring him stuff like this, he only had to find Jay safe, then he would be content.

He found himself in front of the long driveway that extended to Jay's home. It was long with tall trees and bushes near the area, he couldn't even see the house from here. He tried to hurry up as fast as possible, that's when he saw a form of something-or someone- on the driveway halfway up to the house.

Even though Jungwon was so eager to find Jay, he still crept up close slowly to it just in case it wasn't what he expected. But yes, it was his Jay-hyung, he was curled up there like asleep. "Jay-hyung!" Jungwon kneeled next to him and hugged him, shaking him gently because he remembered his arm was still injured. He was about to cry. What if Jay was— dead—?!

His breath became quick as he struggled to unzip Jay's coat to feel his heart. His tears slipped as he thought of how sweet Jay was to him, then what had he gotten in return.

Jungwon took his cold hand and put it on Jay's chest, feeling around. He wished his fingers weren't so numb from the cold...

Yes, he was breathing. But they couldn't stay out here in the cold for so long. The snow was coming down more. He zipped the coat back up and made sure his arm was in a good position. "Jay h-hyung..." he sniffed.

Had Jay just felt tired and lay down suddenly? Had he lost so much blood that he would faint? Or had there been an outside factor to bring him to this–

"Jungwonie, you look so pretty..."

The sudden voice made Jungwon jump slightly. "Yah! You're awake!"

Jay's eyes were slightly open and he smirked, "Cute."

Jungwon knew he probably should've treated Jay or gotten them to a warm location as soon as possible or ask him what had happened, but seeing Jay was awake gave him to just break out in sobbing, and he couldn't speak too much, burying his face in Jay's cold yet somewhat relieving coat.

Jay put his other arm around Jungwon and stroked his back, everything was okay now to him because Jungwon was here. It didn't matter that Jungwon hurt him; to jay it was a blessing that Jungwon should hurt him, especially now that Jungwon is hugging him instead of hurting him.

Finally Jungwon got his composure together and struggled to his feet. "I'm sorry H-hyung, are you okay-? We should get to somewhere safer..."

Jay slowly got up with Jungwon's help but he stooped and put his head down. "I'm okay, just really, really tired..."

Jungwon held Jay up and said, "You're house isn't far from here, is it? I thought this was the driveway."

"It is, we should go there now."

It was slow how they walked up, because Jungwon's body was aching while jay could barely feel his body, he was so cold and numb. They trudged along leaning into each other. It was a precious sight from behind, two figures slowly helping each other up while the light snow fell on them.

She snickered as she saw the sight. An expert in hiding in darkness, she had left Jay and Jungwon alone. But that was only for so long...


"I thought I told you not to hang out with that boy anymore!"

Sunghoon had gotten home and before being able to escape to his room, his father had caught him. "You didn't tell me not to hang out with him, you just threatened that I couldn't." he replied hotly.

"And why did I do that?"

Sunghoon looked down, angry but he stayed silent.

"Because you are regarding him as your boyfriend!"


"Don't 'dad' me. You have no reason to argue innocence, unless you have broken up with him by now?"

Sunghoon's silence implied that no, he hadn't broken up yet.

"Then I don't want you seeing him!" Mr. Park yelled and angrily slammed the book he was reading onto the table. He got up from the couch with a huff and headed to the garage, muttering under his breath, "We won't have anything good to tell Cha..."

Sunghoon's frustration melted away into helplessness. They were graduating so soon now and he hadn't told Jake. Because he loved Jake too much.

As he lies on his bed he thought about his future. His future with Junhwan was already planned out. Then what about a future with Jake? Well...Jake was going to Hongdaeng probably and even if Sunghoon wasn't going to an ice-skate University he definitely didn't have the grades to get into Hongdaeng...it would be a long distance relationship?

And of course, fresh on the outside, Sunghoon was a good kid, liked by adults. He did like Junhwan and his family, and they were really close from many years. How would it turn out that this "bind" was broken? And all because of Sunghoon too!

Yes, he had to tell Jake about everything that was going on, that had been going on...he was imagining the hurt look he would receive. No...it was too much...but it was necessary. He owed Jake so much but didn't he owe his parents even more?

Sunghoon took out his phone to text or call Jake but paused midway.

No, he should talk to him in person instead. 


For anyone who's reading this, in the coming week I'm super busy with touring and stuff, I'm sorry to say I probably won't be getting anything done. I know progress is slow recently... [sigh] T-T

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