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Jay approached Sunghoon casually, because he was supposed to pretend he would walk past his classmate and get some napkins which were beyond Sunghoon. Then he would be like, oh wait, it's Sunghoon! and say "hey" or something.

So Jay went past Sunghoon and then looked back twice, recognition showed on his face. "Oh hey Sunghoon." Sunghoon looked up at Jay, and so did that girl who was sitting across from him. "Oh–hi," Sunghoon said, caught off guard. He blinked twice, then said "Oh, Jay, right?"

"Yeah," Jay said, he looked back and checked on Jake who was watching him like, Wait what are you doing?

Jay asked Sunghoon how he was and what he was planning to do. He was trying to maintain his cool because really, besides Jungwon, Jay's never really asked anyone these basic questions before or had such a (formal you could say?) conversation.

Jake was watching and really anxious about what they were talking about because he was always anxious when he saw Sunghoon. He glanced at the girl who had chosen to look at Jay instead of looking at her phone, but of course, because Jay was too handsome to ignore.

The more Jay talked with Sunghoon the more he realized that Sunghoon wasn't just a cold-looking guy, he was actually really cute. Like whenever he's thinking of the answer to a question he rubs his nape really shyly and Jay thought it would be so cute for real if Jake and Sunhoon got together. But the girl...

His concerns were quickly relieved as Sunghoon said his bad for not introducing Yeji, his sister, who was in a different grade. So Jay thought, is he single? If he friended Sunghoon, it wouldn't be hard to ask. Then he thought about a partner project in school.

"So you know about the school project?" he asked.

Sunghoon groaned, "Ah, the physics one?"

"Yeah, I know right," Jay laughed. "But I heard it's a partner project, one of the very few the teacher lets us choose who we want to partner up with."

"Yeah...!" Sunghoon said with hope in his eyes, evidently he wasn't a very good student, he only looked really sharp. Jay knew Sunghoon was very athletic and a really good figure skater, he probably took a lot of time training for those and so he didn't study much maybe.

"Who're you gonna do it with?" Jay asked casually. "Or you don't know yet."

Sunghoon answered, "Yeah, I don't know...actually it's my first year at this school and I haven't really made friends yet. But there's this guy in physics I really want to do the project with him, but he's probably already partnered with someone else. You know, I think his name is...Jake? Yeah, Jake, he's really smart I heard, he also seems really nice."

Jay couldn't believe his luck, he tried to contain his excitement and said "Wow really, Jake? He's sitting right there, we came here together." He turned around and motioned to their table.

Sunghoon widened his eyes as he looked where Jay motioned towards and saw Jake who was embarrassed as he realised they were talking about him. 

"Ah really?" Sunghoon widened his eyes as he peered past Jay to see where he was motioning. "Oh wow," he laughed shyly, "well yeah, if I could do the project with Jake, I'd do it with Jake."

Jay looked back at Jake and tried to make eye contact with him, and Jake happened to look up and saw Jay mouth to him "Come over here" and gesture at him with his hand. What, does he want me to come over now?! Jake sweat. He made a like "me?" motion and Jay nodded and mouthed "Yes, you" and beyond him Jake could see Sunghoon smiling shyly at him. Aisssshhh what will he think of me if I don't go?

Jake got up and took his tray over so it wouldn't be cleaned off. "Hey what's up," he smiled at Sunghoon who answered with a "hi" and laughed nervously.

"You know the physics project Jake?" asked Jay, "are you paired up yet?"

"Why...no..." Jake started, he knew what Jay was trying to do now, he was trying to pair him with Sunghoon.

Jay looked at Sunghoon like there you go and Sunghoon looked at Jake eagerly and asked timidly "ah Jake would you mind to...to um, be my partner?"

At that time Jake felt himself getting red, because not only was Sunghoon talking to him, but his phrasing just now was weird, and Jay sensed this too and was holding in his laughter. Sunghoon quickly realized his mistake in embarrassment and said "Ah sorry I mean like c-could we do the project t-together?"

Jake opened his mouth to answer and Sunghoon quickly added, "I mean you don't have to...I mean like I'm not very smart so..."

Jake hurried said, "Ah no it's okay, sure we can do it together, it'll be cool." and Sunghoon thanked him happily, Jake thought it was so cute. Then when they exchanged numbers Jake wasn't sure if he were on the ground or floating. "Then we can find a time to work on it?" Jake asked Sunghoon, who answered "sure, I'll just look at my schedule," because he had some figure skating training and workout times that he did every week. "Yeah I'll text you when I go home!"

"Okay thanks," said Jake, then with brief exchanges of 'goodbyes' they went their ways.

"Ayyyyy oppa that boy has a crush on you doesn't he!" Sunghoon's sister Yeji teased when Jay and Jake left.

Sunghoon laughed, "What do you mean, that's all you think about. If anyone talking to me, you always say that."

"But no, this time I'm for real!" Yeji insisted.

"Yeah right like every other time," Sunghoon retorted.

"Opppaaaaaa!" Yeji whined, "you don't understand it."

"Fine, fine whatever, he's just my classmate," Sunghoon waved her away and took out his phone to check media.

"But you gotta say he's cute right?" Yeji persisted.

"What's wrong with you today?!" Sunghoon said, not looking away from his phone.

"He is and he has a crush on you," Yeji said with a humph and took out her phone too.

"Well don't be thinking anything you shouldn't be, besides I have Junhwan."

Yeji was about to comment she liked Jake more than Junhwan, but she bit her lip and stayed quiet. 

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