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"Jungwon!!!" a voice rang out from the other aisle. Jungwon was shopping for school supplies since the next year of high school was coming up. He turned around to see who did call his name. 

"Ayyy, Sunoo," he said with an unexcited voice. 

"You didn't tell me you were doing supplies shopping today," Sunoo pouted. "I wanted to invite you but your dad said you are busy."

"Yes, i was busy to buy school supplies," Jungwon answered, looking interested at the pretty notebook in his hand. 

"Well now since we meet let's shop together."

Sunoo and Jungwon had been friends for so long, and Sunoo was basically Jungwon's only close friend, because Jungwon's parents were very cautious about who should Jungwon hang around. At the beginning they were of course aware that what if Jungwon fell in love with Sunoo? But it was quickly solved, because from elementary school Sunoo had a crush on another guy named Ni-ki, and he's still in love with him so it was solved. Sunoo didn't know about Jungwon's curse though. 

Jungwon's parents thought they did do pretty well with keeping Jungwon not in such close relationships with other people, as Jungwon in high school turned out to be a school-focused child who only one-word answered people and did not like to be around them. If someone came up to him to talk Jungwon would look like disdain and try to end the conversation as soon as possible. His parents were sorry to see that their son could not be friendly and did not enjoy what other teenagers usually did but they knew it was for his best. So they let this be. 

"So are you going to be more...outgoing this year?" Sunoo asked hesitantly but cheerfully. 

"What do you mean?" Jungwon asked without looking at him. 

"Like you know...you are so reserved and don't really...hang out a lot. You know what i mean?"

"No." Jungwon said flatly. "Why do I need to hang out with anybody?"

"Well i mean social is fun," Sunoo attempted, but he knew it was truth, Jungwon didn't really care. 

The two continued to shop, Sunoo chattering off to Jungwon as Jungwon just nods and looks for his needs. 

"I wonder if there'll be any new handsome hyungs come to our school this year," Sunoo thought out loud and laughed at his own comment. 

"what do you mean, i thought you like ni-ki," Jungwon spoke up. 

"Of course I like Ni-ki," Sunoo responded, "but it's still interesting to see other hyungs, you know. I mean like I didn't say that I wanted to crush on new hyungs i was just saying i wanted to see some." 

"Oh right," Jungwon muttered, not too interested. Sunoo sighed and was quiet for a little while as he needed to look for his supplies too. 

Jungwon and Sunoo had the school ID around their necks, this is because it was a special school sale for this school and the students could offer their identification for discount. That's why when Sunoo saw a handsome hyung in the end of the aisle he new it was a new hyung at their school. Because his ID was the same. 

"Jungwon! He will be at our school?" Sunoo whispered excitedly, "wow, we didn't even start school yet and we already saw handsome hyung."

"Um, sure," Jungwon replied, still busy with other things. But to Sunoo's prodding he looked up a quick second at the hyung who had a dark brown hair with gold highlights in them. He didn't feel surprised that the hyung was handsome or any other feeling for that matter. "So what, he's just like another guy," he commented. 

Sunoo sighed, how could he ever get Jungwon interested in other people?

"His side profile," Sunoo hissed at Jungwon and Jungwon looked up again and shrugged. He really was uninterested. 

Sunoo rolled his eyes and continued to look at the hyung, until the guy started to walk up toward them, looking over the shelves slowly to find what he needed.

Jungwon snorted as Sunoo immediately engaged himself with examining the cover of a pretty notebook with stickers to avoid the hyung telling Sunoo was staring at him. 

Sunoo took a quick glance toward the hyung to steal a look at his ID. It read "Jay Park (Jongseong)" and boy was the hyung's ID pic nice. Jay Park Jongseong, Jay Park Jongseong, Sunoo repeated the name in his head so he can remember it. 

The hyung had also noticed the IDs of the two younger ones and realized that they were going to the same school. However Sunoo could not bear it anymore and turned to face him. "Hi hyung! We are going to the same school?" he motioned to their tags.

Jay looked down at both tags and answered, "yah, it seems that way. I'm new though," his smile came on his face and it seemed cool yet soft at the same time. 

"That's so cool!" said Sunoo, "I'm Sunoo and this is my friend Jungwon." He looked at Jungwon who looked at Jay and gave him a quick small smile and nod before turning back to his occupation. "Uh, um, don't worry Jungwon's just a little frosty at first but he's really nice actually!" Sunoo tried to make up for Jungwon's introduction. 

"Ah of course, it's fine," Jay laughed, his eyes are still on Jungwon. "I'm Jay, or Jongseong, but just call me jay."

"Ah Jay-hyung," Sunoo smiled and side-eyed Jungwon to see if he will pay at least a little attention or respect. But he doesn't any. Sunoo sighs in himself but smiles at Jay-hyung, "Well it's nice to meet you!"

"Yeah," Jay smiles back, "then we'll see at school, right?"

"Right!" Sunoo beamed. 

Jay glanced at Jungwon who paid no attention to the conversing, then Jay came closer to Jungwon and looked him in the face, repeating "We'll see at school, Jungwon?", forcing Jungwon to look up. He was surprised to see Jay was so close to him, he didn't know Jay had come forward. 

"Um, uh, right," he muttered and quickly looked  away, but not before he saw to his annoyance that nice smile turn into a devilish smirk. 

Sunoo can like this Jay-hyung all he wants, because I don't want any of him. 

Death Kiss // JaywonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz