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Tonight was the party. Jungwon decided he would still wear the outfit Jay picked out for him anyways. Too bad Jay couldn't be there. He thought he maybe should tell Jay that he had changed his mind and was gonna go with Sunki but later thought that it wasn't a big deal anyways and besides, he didn't want to bother Jay with his family issues.

He saw Sunoo and Ni-ki at the bus stop. "Hi Jungwon!" Sunoo waved as Jungwon approached.

"Hi," Jungwon responded and when the bus came the three of them got on. Jungwon of course still wished Jay could be there with him but it was ok, besides there was still graduation party at the end of the year.

They arrived in the place and it was dark with the dance lights. Ni-Ki felt the music and immediately started dancing and Sunoo happily joined him. "You coming Jungwon?" he laughed and Jungwon said no because really he wasn't feeling like it. He was honestly thinking about how he could be finishing his research paper at home. But since he was already at the school, might as well do something productive. He wandered away to look for something to drink because he was thirsty.

Around this time Jay had arrived, and he was looking for Jungwon but it was dark and the music was very loud. He looked around and noticed Ni-Ki because of his distinct dancing style but he didn't go ask Ni-Ki and Sunoo where Jungwon was because they seemed occupied.

He was planning to walk over to the drinks table when he felt someone hold onto his arm. "Jay-oppa!" he heard a female voice and turned his head to see who it was. It was Raeyoung of course. And she was now clinging to his arm. "Um hi," Jay stuttered, caught off guard. He felt very uncomfortable how she was grabbing onto him like they were a couple or something. He also felt it wasn't very appropriate for her to call him "oppa"--Jay was Raeyoung's senior, she should be more respectful honestly!

Of course Jay didn't want to push a girl away, so he gently tried to move her arms but she was clinging tight. He was even more alarmed as she put her head on his shoulder crooning, "Ah I didn't think you were gonna be here today...but it's a sweet surprise!" and Jay panicked.

It was unfortunately at that moment that Jungwon was casually observing the crowd and spotted a familiar looking clothing, and realised, Wait, is that Jay-hyung...? And he peered closer, he believed that yes, it definitely was–but there was a girl clinging to his side...?

He saw it was Raeyoung and suddenly felt very upset, and Rightfully so! He felt it was almost impossible that Jay would lie about not being able to come to the party so that Jungwon wouldn't go so that Jay could take pretty little Raeyoung–

No it was impossible. Jay wouldn't do that–Jungwon wished. Yet here Jay was, right in front of his eyes, his boyfriend who should supposedly be at his grandparents' home. Jungwon's mind flooded with different thoughts. Jay was always popular with everyone, he was so handsome and charismatic. And Jungwon was just this stiff classmate who was extremely cold to such a warm heart. He thought he didn't deserve Jay-hyung...but really, how many people had Jay really chased before Jungwon came along? He obviously liked hard to get and that's just what Jungwon was...

These doubts were fed to Jungwon by the dark curse who now echoed to him, "I told you, I tOLd YoU, I TOLD YOU..." and her cackling resounded in Jungwon's ears.

The room was dark but Jungwon's heart was darker and filled with the curse. For a second he debated whether or not he should go up, push away the girl, and slap Jay-hyung hard in the face. But he thought against it. He suffered so much looking at his back, he would suffer so much more if he looked at his face.

Jungwon turned and walked away. Jay didn't deserve to see his face.


Sorry about the short chapter ㅠㅠ, I'll try to write more quickly!  

Death Kiss // JaywonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora