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(Time Passed,) school was going just normal and one day the teacher announced a new student. Everyone was surprised because it was already late in the school year. But she was just new to the area and since her previous curriculum was the same as this school's, the school let her come for the rest of the year anyway (and she would be here for next year too).

"Hi I'm Raeyoung," she introduced herself and smiled cutely.

She had long, black straight hair and was wearing a cute headband tied in her hair; her bright, big eyes scanned the classroom to take in her new classmates' faces.

Not only her face, but how she was dressed screamed affluence to her audience, she looked really cute in her sweater and petite skirt, and her purse was envied by every girl in the class. The whole class was mesmerised by her.

Except Jungwon wasn't. He barely even paid attention to her because he was thinking about something he had to do after school, until she sat down in the seat behind him.

"Well you all remember to say 'hi' and make Raeyoung feel welcome," the teacher said and started school.

Then Jungwon remembered Raeyoung was probably the new student he had been asked to take around after school.

After the announcements, Jungwon turned around to introduce himself to Raeyoung and saw her just smiling while staring at Jay. Afterall, from where she was seated, she had the best view of Jay's handsome side-profile. But Jungwon didn't like how she was looking at him.

"Hi I'm Jungwon," he said stiffly, and Raeyoung took her gaze off of Jay to look at Jungwon.

"Oh-Hiiiii Jungwon!" she gushed, "I'm Raeyoung, It's nice to meet you. Are you...the person to um, take–"

"Yeah that's me," Jungwon said plainly. "I guess then after school, we meet back here, in the homeroom? Is that good?"

"Ok, of course!" Raeyoung smiled sweetly, then quickly asked, "Oh, um, could you maybe take me to Room 201 right now, That's where my next class is in a few minutes."

"Um," Jungwon hesitated because that wasn't his class and maybe if he took her he would be late.

"My next class is also room 201," Jay overheard them and said, "You can follow me."

Jungwon and Raeyoung looked at Jay, Jungwon had no expression on his face while Raeyoung broke out into a (sickly?) sweet smile and gushed, "Oh that would be so nice, Thanks!" and since next class was starting soon, Jay winked "See ya Jungwon," then he left and Raeyoung quickly followed on beside him. Jungwon heard Jay introducing himself "Yeah you can call me Jay..." and Raeyoung taking in his amazing voice while acting like a hungry puppy.

Yes, Jungwon was very, very, jealous.

- - - -

Along with the new student, the class party/dance was also coming up. It was a celebration for the students' hard work after the exams. At any rate, Jungwon planned to go with Jay and vice versa. Jay was excited and even arranged their outfits way before the dance.

But the weeks later, three days before the party, Jay suddenly had a family emergency where he and his family would have to take a flight ASAP to his grandparents' home, so he probably wouldn't be able to attend the school celebration. He felt extremely disappointed and regretful as he told Jungwon the bad news.

"Jungwonie, I'm so sorry..." Jay looked very apologetic, "but you should go anyways, for fun. and Jungwon was sad but answered, "It's okay. I can just stay at home and catch up on some work maybe."

"But i'm really sorry, I hope you still go."

"It's really okay, hyung, i probably won't." Jungwon assured, "Theres always next time."

Jay had to leave soon because of some work he had to do, so the two exchanged byes.

Sunoo and Ni-Ki had walked up after Jay left and overheard them talking, to which Sunoo showed his condolences that Jay couldn't be there, and Sunoo urged Jungwon, "Really Jungwon, you should still come though!"

"Really but what'd I do there, just stand around and stare at people?"

"No silly, I'll be there and Ni-Ki'll be there too! Aren't you gonna hang out with us?" Sunoo asked.

"Well I mean I guess, but you and Ni-Ki might, you know." Jungwon rolled his eyes, to which Sunoo immediately retorted, "Aish Jungwon, what do you mean? We're all friends aren't we?" but Sunoo looked shy and Ni-Ki looked down, they were so cute. And Sunoo added a quiet, "I mean Ni-Ki and I won't be awkward, we're naive anyways–" he looked at Ni-Ki out of the corner of his eye and Ni-Ki nodded an enthusiastic 'yes'.

"All right, I guess..." Jungwon sighed, "as long as I'm not third wheeling."

"Yay!" Sunoo said happily and laughed.

The next morning Jay was at home packing up because they needed to leave soon, when his mom came in and said, "Oh Jay honey, your father and I have talked..."

"Hm?" Jay said, looking up from folding his clothes.

"Well, we didn't know you were having a celebration at the school and that's why we wanted you to come with us but now that I know, I don't want you to miss it..."

"So..." Jay felt like they were getting somewhere he liked.

"So we think you can stay at home by yourself again? I mean, you do stay at home a lot by yourself, but this time we'll go see your grandparents and it's not a business trip, so...what do you want?"

"Well honestly I'd like to go to the dance..." Jay said hesitantly, "Grandma's not that you know, sick, right?"

"She was two days ago, but she's much better now, which is why we didn't think it was so urgent for you to come. So you want to stay here, honey? Okay, that's fine. Your father and I are leaving this afternoon. Is that alright?"

"Yeah it's alright," Jay said, "Thanks mom." and she left to do her business.

Jay pulled out his phone to inform Jungwon but then he thought how nice it would be if he could give Jungwon a little surprise. He had told Jungwon that Jungwon should go but would he really?

Jay texted Sunoo and asked him if Jungwon was planning to go, and Sunoo answered

Yes, with niki and me! ^-^

So then Jay knew Jungwon would be there and he was excited to surprise him. 

Death Kiss // Jaywonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن