Chapter 16

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Domenico's POV

I am on my way back to the Hotel we're staying at. We have been tracking this bastard for a week and a half now and he is almost in our trap. They stole so much money it pains me to mention the amount. Michael was one of our trusted men that ran shipments from Mexico to the US and he has been working in the Mafia since my dad ran it.

He was like family, but they always say that the dogs nearest to you bite the hardest and that is so true. The guys that worked with him are no more in this world, but he is still out here in Canada. Everyone knows that the only way you pay for betrayal is with your life.

Being in this business is hard and taking a life even harder. You have to do what you have to with what has been given to you. I never asked for this life, but I had to accept it. The same with my father and his father before him and so the list goes on.

I miss Olivia so much and she is probably so pissed because I was supposed to be gone for a week and that turned into two but if all goes well Michael will be in my grip by tomorrow morning then I can leave after dealing with him. My men are busy checking every corner of this town and surrounding areas making sure we'll get him.

I will not lie about my feelings for Olivia. I love her and I've never felt like this toward a woman, not even my ex. At first, I did not even think about her in that way or so I thought because she was stuck in my head from that night, I saw her talking to Marco. I was so set on protecting my heart from woman thinking they all are the same but luckily, I caught her in time.

I have to get the Marco problem out of my way and that is where I'm heading now. Marco, dad, and I are sharing a three-bedroom suite in this hotel. I see him and dad chatting as I enter the lounge.

"Son, come join us for a game of cards" my dad says as he smiles up at me. Marco looks up at me giving me a nod and I nod back. Uncle Marco is very good at tracking people, and he has connections in the strangest places that is why he came way before I did as he was gathering intel. He always says he has eyes and ears in every corner of the world. Dad came with to help him and now I'm here to finish everything off.

I take the seat opposite Uncle Marco and my hands are starting to get clammy. Wait, why am I nervous? Maybe it's because it's your future dummy, my subconscious scolds me. I rub my neck thinking on how I'm going to start this conversation. Here goes everything.

"Uncle Marco, to you think I'm at the right age to settle down?" stupid, stupid question I think to myself. Dad just glance in my direction and smirk because he already knows what I'm on about. To think, I have to convince my uncle to allow me to date a woman. You would think my parents would be difficult, but they love Olivia. I know dad did not tell anything to Uncle Marco because even though they are close, I am still his son first.

He's looking at me with a smile on his face "Do you have a special someone or are you taking your ex back?" He questions. While dad lets out a snort at his question about the ex.

"There is someone I'm interested in, but we need your approval" I say as his eyes snap to me and I instantly know that he knows who I'm talking about.

He gives me a hard long stare. "Are you and this person serious?"

"Yes, we are, and we can't see a future without each other." I say.

"Will you marry her tomorrow if you were given the opportunity?" he lifts his eyebrows questioningly.

"If she agrees I'll marry her this second" I say with confidence.

"And who's this lovely lady we're talking about, that has changed my nephew into a man?" He asks giving me a smirk.

"Olivia" He snaps his neck at the mention of Olivia's name, but his face remains calm, and he remain quiet for a few seconds then he starts to talk"

"You know I've been friends with your dad since birth as my mother and his mother were best friends. At the age of sixteen we were sworn into the mafia and our lives started and it's still going. I met my wife at the age of nineteen, meanwhile your father already had a full-blown marriage as he got married at eighteen, with my sister, who's your mother. My wife and I got married exactly two months after we started dating. Did you know this?" he questions me, and I was not aware of this revelation, so I just shake my head.

"In the mafia we don't date as it is frowned upon. A woman should remain pure until marriage. You either get married or you fuck around, but once you commit you must get married. Did you sleep with Olivia yet?"

I frown but I answer him anyway as there are no way for me not to answer "no, she's still pure and it would stay like that until we get married". He nods at my response.

"Does Olivia really want to be with you, or did you force her?" I look at him with a frown. "She wants to be with me"

He nods "Now, do you think me having eyes and ears everywhere would not know about you two?" he questions me. I had a suspicion he would know but I was not that sure.

I give him a smirk. "I know"

"You know wat you have to do Domenico. I will not let you hurt her as she is my child, not by blood but the one I chose. She probably told you about her past?"

"Yes, did you tell you too? I ask.

He shakes his head. "No, but you know I am very good at reading people, and I saw the pain and vulnerability in her eyes, so I did my own research. Her father is stinking rich but gave her less then he gave his maids. I talked to one of his maids after I found out who she really is.

"Who's her father" dad who has been quiet the whole time, ask.

"Oh, I've been looking into him for some time now. Victor Scott, that dog that killed his rich wife after fucking his secretary for years. A month after the wife's death he marries the secretary and treats his own flesh and blood like an outcast. She's in college now because of a scholarship. The bastard paid for the bitch's child for college but not for her. That is why I am so protective over her. She lost her mother who was both her mother and father. All because he wanted to take ownership of the company that rightfully belonged to Olivia. Her mother was an only child, so all her inheritance is Olivia's. There is a lawyer that made contact with her previously to hand a sum of money over to her. He can not contact her now as her father will find out, but he will contact her like he did with the money exactly two weeks before she is to take over. Victor thinks as long as Olivia doesn't know about this and the wife is dead that nobody will question him, but he's mistaken. Her mother made sure to set her up for life and I'm not talking about the sum she got when she left to move to college. Besides the company, there's a few million that her parents left that she never used and hid it as soon as she discovered why her husband married her"'

"How did you find all this out?" I ask in disbelief.

"I have my means. So, you better marry her, get this over and done with and make her happy. If she is happy, I am happy. If you her then I will hurt, you. You know the drill son"

"She wants me to bankrupt the company and find out who murdered her mom" I say as I look from Marco to my dad.

"Why would she want it to go bankrupt?" dad asks.

"She said that she does not want to drink from a poisoned well" I say as Marco nods his head.

"She's clever. She wants to cut off their supply" dad says.

"She wants to start her own business when she's done studying".

"About her mom's killer. Bankrupt the company then the killer will be exposed". Marco says.

My phone starts to buzz, and I see Luca's name appear. "Hey Luca"

"We've got him" he says.

"Are you sure and where did you find him?" I ask as dad and Marco look at me like I'm speaking French "Yes, I'll meet you there in fifteen minutes".

"He found Michael at an ex's house. They have him at the warehouse, tied up and ready. I says as I get up grabbing my car keys and heading to the door. Not excited killing someone but excited that I will see my baby, soon.


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