Chapter 40

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We enter a huge room with about fifteen guys and girls sitting scattered across the room. I've never been on this side of the building. One side contains a coffee station with snacks, different types of coffee pods, bean bags, couches, and a huge fridge with all kinds of drinks on the side. The rest of the room is filled with desks with multiple screens and people sitting infront of them typing away.

Obviously, all eyes were on us as soon as we entered the room. From all the faces, I only recognize Max, who spots us, and he immediately walks over giving me a hug. Max has become a little more talkative and friendly with me. It seems he first wants to know and trust people better, before taking the initiative to be the first person to start communicating with them.

After the greetings are over, everyone continued with what they were doing before we entered.

"Any update?" Domenico asks Max jumping straight to the point, as he points me to an open seat. I didn't decline and sat, eager to hear who the people were that chased us.

"Whoever they were, had fake plates. So, it can't be traced. But the team is on their way back from the crash site after gathering evidence before the police could arrive and they are on their way here" Max says.

"They just notified me that there were three guys in the one car and two in the second vehicle. The two from the second vehicle are believe and they have captured them, but the three from the other car is deceased due to the impact of the crash" Luca says while typing vigorously on his phone.

I immediately hear thumping in my ears and feel my heart beating a hundred miles per hour. Cold sweat on my forehead as my mind processes the gravity of what I did. I actually took the lives of living beings. Did they have family and children? 

Obviously, and I was the cause of taking them away from their families. Because I was too trigger happy and didn't think of the repercussions of my actions. I should have stayed put as Domenico warned me.

I zoned out of their conversation for a minute or two. Everyone's focus is luckily not on me, but at the situation at hand. Trying to figure out who want's us dead. My attention is drawn back at their conversation when Luca asks Max to check the camera's.

"Max, can you log into the cameras around the car. Maybe someone will recognize or catch something about the guys" he says as both him and Domenico take in empty seats and diverting their attention to the big screen in the room.

Max walks over to his desk and starts to type a few keys then the video footage of the chase came on the big screen.

I watch everything unfold and it is as I said that they followed us for some time. Everything that happened was seen on the footage, giving everything the same version of events Domenico probably told them when I zoned out.

"Did you shoot back at them?" Luca asks amazed looking at me with a smirk on his face.

I just nodded and looked down to the ground and nausea engulfed my senses. I immediately got up and made my way to the bathroom. I could hear someone following me, but I don't feel like turning around to see who it is. I walk down a hallway and reach the bathroom, but before entering I feel a hand on my shoulder stopping me before I could enter.

"Are you ok?" Domenico asks.

I just nod without looking at him and enter the bathroom. It felt like my guts were coming out as I vomit all the lovely food up that I ate at my in-laws.

"Baby, can I come in?" I hear Domenico asking, but i give no response. It went from vomiting to gagging then to dry-heaving. I flushed after a while, when I felt a little better and got up from the floor and rinsed my mouth.

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