Chapter 29

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It's always a beeping sound waking me from a slumber. It is starting to work on my tits, if you ask me and the pain, I am currently experiencing in my upper torso is horrible. Which reminds me, the last thing I remember is being in the club, dancing and meeting Domenico's friend and his wife, then shots rang out, and everything went dark. I don't want to move any part of my body because I don't know where exactly I was hit, so I slowly open my eyes. I see Domenico sitting on a chair next to my bed, with his head down, typing on his laptop whilst biting his bottom lip. I decide to let him know I'm awake.

"Damn, I would love to bite that lip myself." I say smirking at him as I remain in the same position.

"Olivia, how do you feel? Are you in any pain? He asks as he put the laptop on the seat next to him than proceed to get up and cup my face.

"I know my breath probably smell horrible, but I need a kiss before you call the doctor to come check on me" I say looking at him expectantly and already knowing what his next move will be.

He bends down and gives me a nice smooch on my lips which is accompanied by a panty dropping smile when he's done. Obviously, I'm grinning back at his sexiness.

"Who shot me and where on my body was, I hit?" I ask, jumping right into things and dropping my smile instantaneously from my face.

"You were shot just below your collarbone. The bullet didn't hit anything major and was removed and the wound patched up. I got the shooter, and he has been dealt with. You have nothing to worry about in that aspect". He says as he looks me in the eyes. I already know from his expression that there's more that he doesn't want to tell me because telling the actual person that took the bullet people has been dealt with is not answer enough. I need to have a good conversation with him when I'm discharged, but here and now is not ideal.

It was the next day which means I was not unconscious for that long. I was discharged two hours after waking up and given pain meds to manage the pain. Luckily, I didn't require any cast or sling. The wounds will leave a scar, but the Doctor mentioned that plastic surgery should remove the scar almost completely.

When we reached the house, I stripped out of my clothes and got into a much-needed shower and my man also joined because he doesn't pass on an opportunity to be pressed up against my body. He made sure my body was being cleaned on the parts I was not able to reach, then we got out and relaxed having the lunch we ordered earlier on the couch, until the girls and guys came to visit us. The whole time Domenico looked very guilty, and I know it's probably because it happened in a club that he owns, under his watch and he was not able to protect me from the shooters.

Domenico showed them into the lounge, and I was hugged by Kate and Camilla on the side that is not hurting.

"How are you feeling, doll?" Kate asks.

"Much better" I give them all a smile as i answer, but they all have a solemn look on their faces which indicates there are more to this whole story then what I'm being told. If it's one thing I'm good at its reading people, because that was one thing I had to master when I lived in my father's house in order not to piss them off.

Domenico is talking in a hushed tone with Luca to the side, but I can clearly see the pissed look on his face. He's clearly not happy with what Luca just told him if his hands are going through his hair every few seconds. Max, who never smiles, also has a strange look on his face.

I decide to put everyone on the spot "spill" I say as everyone's eyes snaps to me. "I know you guys know what all this is, and I don't want to hear the sugarcoated version. I would like the truth". I say and I see Domenico is busy rubbing his forehead with his pointer finger and thumb indicating he's stressed.

Domenico and Luca give each other a look, while Luca clears his throat and starts to talk "the shooting of last night was to take you out. They were hired by someone, and Max's team is busy tracking who these people are."

I look at him flabbergasted then turn my head to Domenico and ask "What did I do and to whom? I look at all of them expectantly.

"We caught two guys last night and the one guy had a phone that was probably just used for this mission as there were nothing else on it but a few messages. The person sending the messages was asking for updates or giving locations of where we are. We tried to get information out of the two, but they didn't want to talk and the likelihood of them ever talking is very slim. We're keeping them alive for now or until we can get more information out of them. We know they are part of an organization that hunts and kill people for money because of the tattoos they have. They are more like an underground gang. We also found a picture of you at school on it" Domenico says as he comes and sits next to me.

"We were supposed to attend the mafia dinner tomorrow night, but it's cancelled and we're heading back home tonight as we have better resources that side to find these people or the ones who hired them" Luca said.

"Does that include us?" I turn and ask Domenico. He responds with a nod.

"Oh, we forgot one other detail. The people that put the hit on you are from America" Kate says while stroking my back.

"How did you guys find that out?" I ask awaiting an answer.

"We traced the messages to an IP address in the US. They tried to bounce it from country to country, but we got a definite match to New York" Max, the person that never speaks answers.

"So, you guys want me to go into the lion's den?" I question.

"Not exactly. We have a whole army that can protect you there. Once Max gets back, he will also be able to help his team get more clues.

"Could it be my dad or Julia?" I ask as that is the only side my enemies could come from.

"We cannot confirm that yet" Luca says which leads me to believe that there's a possibility.

"Babe, we are leaving in an hour, so we have to go and pack our stuff so we can head out" Domenico says.


We reached our home in the US after a few hours and I went straight to bed. Domenico left to deal with the business and returned early the next morning.

The last two weeks since returning from Italy, I've decided to use my days to catch up on school and send my assignments in that was due. One of the professors advised that I could finish college earlier than expected if I put more hours in and that is exactly what I'm busy with now. I'm not allowed to leave the house without Domenico because he is scared something might happen while I'm out alone.

I have not seen Domenico much since we returned, and he has become more distant than before. He always returns late at night and most nights he smells like alcohol, which makes me assume he Is out partying or something. He is out before I even wake up and it is concerning because I am used to him talking to me and discussing things, but now there's none of that. If I try calling him during the day, he rarely answers and will say he's busy just to end the call sooner.

It hurts knowing the person you trust with your whole life is abandoning you, because that is how it honestly feels. I have always been alone in this life and i was used to being alone, then came Domenico and made me used to having someone you can depend on. He made me used to knowing i have someone in my life that loves and cares for me.

I went to bed last night thinking what my next plan will be if he leaves me, because that's the only conclusion I come up with after analyzing this whole situation. Playing and replying everything in my head. From him marrying me and all the threats since we're married and almost no contact since returning from Italy. Am I a burden? Only time will reveal the truth. 

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