Chapter 51

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The world disappears around me for a few minutes and it's only me and him in the huge white room as I take in his appearance.

I move from my position at the door to Domenico's bedside taking in the chair situated next to his bed. It seems as though he's just sleeping, but the tube down his throat reminds me of just how serious his condition is.

The beeping machines indicate that he's still alive and that is good enough for me for now. I still have him. It also reminds me of just how much I missed him, even though we saw each other yesterday.

I wish we could be in another setting, where he's just sleeping peacefully while I watch him as I always did, but unfortunately, it's not the case this time around.

I find solace in the hope I have for his recovery and our future. Hope is sometimes all one have and all one need.

I love him so much and this world wouldn't make any sense without him. That's why I will make sure it makes sense when I'm done dealing with every single backstabber in this Mafia.

Domenico has placed his trust in too many that work for him, and they took advantage of it. They have fucked around long enough so, it's time they find out who they've been fucking with.

He has been there for me in all ways possible and I hate seeing, him the person that I love and who loves me with all he's got, like this. Whoever had the guts to go against him, went against me as well.

I know the doctor said that he will recover, and I know there's no doubt that he will, but I have this uneasy feeling pestering me in the back of my mind as to remind me that this whole ordeal is not over yet and that we have more challenges to face soon.

I am someone that will overthink, over analyze everything until I work out a solution that would subdue the  inner turmoil in my mind. I know it's a bad trait to have, but my instincts were never wrong before, so I better prepare for whatever may come.

I lift my uninjured arm and run my fingers through his dark brown locks that has been growing like weeds these last few days. Hoping that each stroke would heal him soon.

I know I am a strong person after growing up without love and still made room for real love at the end of it all.

Now, I just need to regain my mental strength for what's to come.

After a solid hour of crying and playing then replaying everything over and over in my head, everything seems clearer than before. I gather myself and give Domenico a soft kiss on his cheek as I get up from the chair glancing at him one last time.

Sometimes life doesn't give you a choice. She slams the door in your face without giving you a chance to decide what kind of person you want to be. She can take someone to heaven or hell, but at the end of the day, you are the author of where you'll end up.

Then you go on with life as if nothing happened, like you could forget, but you never do because you don't have to die to be in hell. The world we live in is hell in itself.

"I love you Domenico" I whisper in his ear hoping and believing he heard me.

I walk to the door without looking back at him or second guessing what I'm about to do as I head out into the corridor. Just as I step out, I see one of the guards who's attention is focused on me, looking me up and down. 

I pretend to not know where the doctor's office are "is the doc still the fourth door down?" I ask to which he nods. "Damn, I need some good pain meds my shoulder is killing me" I say as I rub my below my injured shoulder then proceed to make my way to the office as the creep still stood there staring at me.

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