Chapter 53

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I thought I would feel different or even a little relief emotionally after telling those fools I knew of their filthy deeds, but I felt the same as I did before I stepped foot into that Restaurant.

All I know is, I had to let them know that there are more people out there that's aware of who they really are. What is done in the dark shall always come to light.

Thanks to my mom's lawyer who told me everything this morning after I made a few arrangements with him. He told me everything my mom told him, a few hours before her murder.

How Julia was planning her death for months and about my uncle killing my dad, than holding her hostage in her own house through measures he put in place. Not to mention the fact that he tried to swindle her out of her whole inheritance. That was also why her will was airtight because she found a way to escape and put her will in place just in time before her death.

My mother's death already happened, it's over and done with and I've mourned her. My dad, I never knew him because he was killed when I was two years old. My mom found out a few months after his death that he had a twin that was pretending to be her husband. May their souls rest in peace.

He came home rarely, that was why she could never figure him out, but she eventually did.

After the lawyer heard of my kidnapping and that I returned safely he made sure to tell me everything my mom told him.

He couldn't tell me anything beforehand because he was afraid me knowing the truth would put my life in danger.

To some extent I understood where he came from, but knowing would have made a ton of difference in my life. I could have prevented so much, but it is over and done with and I can only look ahead instead of stressing over what could have been.

My parents are gone, and nothing would be able to bring them back. That I have accepted, and it is time for me to live for the future instead of holding onto the past.

I never realized before, but the day I fell in love with Domenico was the day I started to heal from my past. I already came a long way where the past does not have such a huge effect on me anymore.

His love filled the dark void that kept lingering and gave my heart a loving home. Putting everything in perspective as the puzzle pieces called life fall in place.

It gave me the motivation to turn all my fears and insecurities into confidence and self-worth. Isn't that the effect partners should have on their other halves?

Sometimes shielding your child from life's lessons does more harm than good. By allowing them to fail, you equip them to learn from mistakes made and be more resilient to handle what is thrown their way, when you're not there to protect them anymore.

That's why I kinda feel bad for Sophia because she's under the impression that wealth and status is a symbol of success and an indication that you've made it in life.

She has no clue what the real world is about, and it's not all her fault. This is what they mean when they say someone has been spoiled rotten, rotten for her future children and society.

It pained me to be the one to let her know that she was born a product of incest, but the truth had to be told. Instead of her living in the bubble that was created to protect her but doing her more harm than good. Maybe knowing taught her some humility today.

Even though she was raised that way, she also received "free will" from the man above to make her own assumptions and decisions as a full-grown adult. She had the choice to break the cycle and be better than her parents but decided to follow in their footsteps, being just as vile and vain.

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