Chapter 22

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I discussed my plans for college with Domenico and he is in full agreement that i should continue my studies online as  this will give me more flexibility to focus on other things as well.
We decided to get married this coming Saturday, which is tomorrow. I don't want anything big so we booked one of the hotels because it will only be us and people from the mafia.

I thought about asking Mia and Tessa to be my bridesmaids, that's why i'm on my way to their place now and also to explain what happened since the party and that there's no hard feelings from my side. I didn't call them beforehand so i hope they are not upset with me just showing up.
Domenico is dropping me off here because i still get some dizzy spells and did not feel comfortable enough to drive. I will let him know when to pick me up again.

I know they are here because i can hear the soft music playing in the background. I decide to knock. A few seconds later the door opens and Mia stand there with dark circles under her eyes looking at me with a shocked expression on her face.

Emmediatly, she starts to cry "don't cry, please don't cry" i say as i take her hand off the door handle and close the door and wrap my arms around her giving her crying figure a hug.
"Mia, who's at the..." I hear a voice behind her that could only belong to Tessa.
"Olivia!" I give a faint smile and wave to Tessa and direct Mia to their living room. I then proceed to give Tessa a hug and take a seat.
"How are you feeling? Are you ok? I tried to come and visit you, but your boyfriend was too pissed at us for not looking after you" Mia says.
"I did tell him you guys are not to blame, i'm to blame for my own mishaps in life" i say.

"No, he's right and that could have happened to any of us. We went there as a group and had to look out for eacother. I felt like i was going to get a heart attack when i saw you tried to call me but i couldn't hear my phone ring over the noise. I was beating myself up about everything, actually we both are still" Tessa says.

"I don't want you guys to beat yourselves up about what happened. It's over and even though i'm not 100℅, i'm getting there" i say.

"Can you share with us what happened?" Mia asks.

I nod and start to explain explain everything in as much detail so they could also understand how everything came about. After i was done explaining i was bombarded with questions.

"You were in a coma for that long? We thought he was lying to us and he didn't want us to see you" Tessa says.

"Nope, not at all. He spoke the truth. My heart actually stopped on the way to the hospital and Domenico gave me CPR untill we got to there and that's the reason i'm still here today.

"That's some hectic shit, but we are so glad you are alive and we love you so much. These couple of weeks was hell not knowing how you were"  Tessa says.

"I love you too" i say as i get up and hug both of them.
"One of the main reason's i'm actually here is because i need to ask you guys a favor" both of them look like i'm going to ask them to commit a murder and hide the body.
I take a deep breath "I want you both to be my bridesmaids and i hope you both say yes, because i want no one else but you two" i say as i look form the one to the other. Both of their mouths are hanging open.

"You are getting married, to Mr. Sexy? Mia asks while pointing my way. I just nod in response while waiting for their answer in anticipation.

"Yes!!!" they screetch and both jump up and make their way over to me. Before they could hug me i stopped them in a stop action with my hands.

"Before we hug, please do take into account my body is still bruised. So, a soft hug would do" i say as i stretch my arms out to them.
We hug and hold each other for a few seconds and then i decide to give them another shocking revelation.

"So, the wedding is kind of tomorrow" i say as i lift my hands in front of my face and look at them through the gap in my fingers.

"WHAT?!" both of them scream in unison. While sit and laugh at their shocked faces. 
"Yeah, tomorrow" i confirm.

"But we don't have dresses and shoes" Tessa remind me.

"That is sorted girls" i say while smiling at them. "I'll text you guys all the details" i say as i get up to head out.
"I have to leave, but ill see you girls tomorrow morning for breakfast" i say as i hug and leave them. We say our goodbyes and i decide to head over to my place to start packing.

I text Domenico to let him know that i'm done at the girls and that i'll be heading over to mybplave to pack.

Luckily i still kept the boxes from the time i moved in, so i started packing. I moved into this place because it came fully furnished. So, i only have to take my clothes, bedding, towels, crockery, cutlery and some small stuff here and there.
I was done putting everything in their respective boxes when the door opened and in walked Domenico with some take-aways.

He place the food on the table and help me get up from the floor. He wraps his arms around my waist, as he pull me against his chest and starts kissing me with passion. I wrap my hands around his neck while his hands slides down my back to my ass and he starts to squeeze it. I moan at the feeling and he use the oppertunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I don't know where i get the guts but i start sucking his tongue. I can feel something hard against my tummy and decide to put a stop to this before we go too far. When we pull away, i see the hands that was on my ass was now under my t-shirt rubbing my back.

"Why did you stop, Babe" he asks as he brings his forehead to mine breathing hard while look me in the eyes.

"Because we're getting married tomorrow and we have to finish here, so we can head home"
He cleared his throat and turned his face toward the ceiling and blew out some air then released me from his grip.

"What must still be packed?" He asks as he adjust himself in his pants with annoyance clear in his voice and all over his face.

"No, everything is already packed, it just has to be moved to your place" i say.

"Our place" he says.

"Yes, our place. Come take a seat and eat with me" I say as we head over to the little dining table in the corner of the living room.

We both eat in silence and decide to leave as it's getting late. Domenico instructed his men to come and pick up the boxes while we were eating, so by the time we got home the boxes was already in our room and ready to be packed away.
"Don't tell me your going to unpack as well? I was already pissed that you packed everything while not yet fully recovered" he says while waiting for a reponse from me.

"'I'm sorry, i just thought while i was waiting for you i'd pack instead of sitting around and doing nothing. I thought you would be happy that i'm finally out of there and in your bed" i say smiling at him knowing that would get his attention.

"You know it would" he says giving me a smile back.

"Come let's head to bed, we have a long day waiting for us tomorrow" i say as i take his hand and lead him to our bedroom.

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