Chapter 11

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I woke up from a good night's rest even though i was sleeping on a couch. I woke up somewhere during the night and the tv was off with my head on Domenico's chest in the dark living room all comfy. I was too tired to change positions and just closed my eyes and went off to dreamland. Being cuddled up next to someone felt so cozy. I would like to be cuddled up every day.

He's such a nice guy and from what he told me about his ex-girlfriend i could understand why he became this negative about relationships with women. Even under that hard exterior he shows me, his true self. I would give her a good smack if i saw her just because she hurt him.

I like him, i won't deny it because i was never and will never be a coward about my feelings toward people but i am just scared. He has experience and i don't have any when it comes to relationships. I don't want my heart to be shattered because i was stupid falling for a man that could get any women he wants. I believe that everyone regardless of who they are deserve a chance. I might give him a chance, but I'll let him work for it first.

Woke up and saw him entering the room from a side hallway, probably the kitchen because it smells Devine. He informed me of my drooling and to say i was embarrassed was an understatement. He doesn't seem to care but though.

I love his hugs. I got one earlier when he pulled me up for breakfast. I never knew how much i missed affection. Maybe because i only got it from my mother when she was alive and that was fifteen years ago. I went upstairs and took a very quick shower and came down to eat breakfast. If this is how he will treat me for the rest of my days i would definitely consider being his girlfriend. We finished our breakfast and headed to his office so i could catch up on schoolwork. I requested my work to be sent to me from my professors in order to stay ahead, I have to keep my good marks to retain my scholarship.

I am able to use my hand now and it feels so much better even though it is still feels a little tender i am able to use my hand more now. It still keeps it in a removable hand cast though.
After working for some time i agreed to go with him to his office. I gawked at his car it is such a beautiful thing. He gave it to me while we argued as we drove to the office. What he does not know is that i will not take it even though he demands i do.
We reach the office, and my phone starts to buzz. I told Domenico to go ahead as he was in a hurry and that i will catch up with him. He was a little hesitant but went ahead eventually.

Might as well get the call with a million questions over and done with. "Hi Mia"

"Girl, where are you hiding? I called Monday because i didn't see you on campus and your boyfriend said that you are sleeping and that you guys were out of the country."

This girl loves to ramble "Yes we took a quick trip to Canada to visit his friends and family that side, but we are back now but I'm resting at home and will be back on Monday Your gift is in my apartment but i will also give that then because I'm staying with Domenico until Monday morning. How did the move go? I'm so sorry for missing out on that" i tell her

"No don't stress about the move Paige and Jessica helped us move in and pack everything away so that is sorted now.

I roll my eyes at the mention of those two but remain quiet.

She then continues with her rambling " Also before i forget to mention your boyfriend is gorgeous and you never told us that you had a boyfriend

"I'm sorry about that it's just that we keep everything quiet because he is a very private person" i tell her.

"Hey Mia, I've got to go now, we'll chat later, ok?"

"Yes Sweetheart, I'll see you Monday"

We end the call and i enter the huge building in front of me after greeting the security in front of the building? The entrance looks extravagant. I did not know Domenico had such a huge business. I reach the front desk and the blonde lady working there looks a little over botox'ed.
"Hi, can you direct me to Domenico's office, please?"

She looks me up and down probably thinking why a hobo would be looking for prince charming.
"Lady i think you should head out that door and it's that way" she points to the entrance. "Mr. Mancini does not have time to entertain your little crush, so i suggest you leave" her tone is so high that everyone in the lobby stare at me. I am not a confrontational person so i decide to rather head out then be humiliated any further. I'll message him when i am outside. As I'm about to step out Domenico shout from the front desk "Olivia, where are you going?"

I walk back and stand in front of him "oh, i was not allowed to enter" i say as i turn my head looking in the direction of the women that insulted me in front of everyone.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mancini, i did not know she was your friend and that i was allowed you send her up" she says while stuttering halfway through.

He looks at her with a nasty glare making me instantly regret telling him she did not allow me in "did you call my secretary to confirm she's not allowed?" She shakes her head in response.
"Next time my girlfriend asks for me better allow her to enter. I will not fire you because my girlfriend will feel bad and blame herself for it. Consider this as a warning" he says while taking my hand in his and leading me to the elevator.

Once we enter the elevators, he turns to me while still holding my hand "why didn't you call me when she didn't allow you to enter?"
"Everyone's attention was on me and i hate being the centre of attention. So, i thought I'd call you when i get outside"

He put his finger under my chin and lift my face so he can look me in the eye "i think i must let everyone know we are together, so, this does not happen again".
He bends down and give me a soft peck on my lips. When he pulls away i know my face is flushed. It's like he is putting a spell on me.

We reach the 30th floor and we exit hand in hand. This whole floor looks like how the offices in the series Suits looks. People walking around in office wear. Extremely posh and expensive with glass walls everywhere, so, nobody can do dirty deeds in these offices.
"Why is everyone staring at us and don't glare at them. I don't want people hating me" i tell him.

We head into his office and i take a seat on the couch while he presses a button on a remote for the office windows to go from normal to frosted.
"Thought you would want your privacy while I'm"
"Thanks" i smile at him.
He also hand me a laptop that i can use to watch some movies. I decide to take my shoes off, lay on my back with one of the cushions under my head and laptop on my belly. He just stands there and stare at me.

"What?" I question.
He sir next to me on the couch facing me and moving my hair out of my eyes.
"Be my girlfriend, be mine, please?"

He said that with so much emotion i felt a tug at my heart. A good minute went by with me contemplating if i should put him out his misery or let it continue. What a difference a few days made. I met him last week and i think I'm falling for this man.
"Your fake girlfriend?" I ask and he shake his head.
"The Girlfriend. My Real Girlfriend. The one that i want to cuddle with when i want to, go on dinner dates, watch girly movies even though i hate them" i gasp at his nonsense and giggle.
"So, what is the verdict?"

"Yes, but"
"But, what?"

"I have never done this before, the whole relationship thing. I have never kissed a boy or held a man's hand besides yours today or done that" i feel by face turn hot because of the last part.

He smiles while looking at me "just think about it, all your firsts will be with me and one day, maybe soon your first child will also be with me. That is if you will let me"

"Ok" i say as he grins from ear to ear. He bends forward and gives me a peck that last more than a few seconds.

"Let me head out foe my meeting. Food should arrive in about fifteen minutes. if you need anything, my secretary Susan will help you get it just as her, she's in the office that says Secretary" he says as he put my hair behind my ear and rub my cheek. I just nod in response.
He exits and. get lost in my movie. Lunch arrived and i decide to rather wait for Domenico before i eat.
I have a real boyfriend now. I wonder how Marco will feel about this. He won't kill his family, or will he?



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