Artemis: I'm glad I met you. Now tell me, why were you so nervous in the bank?

Patrick: I was concerned. Dinah pretty much raised me. I'm able to read her like a billboard. She's hiding something, she's also scared. I could tell by the way she looked at me this morning. I just don't know what could scare her so bad.

Artemis: what are you going to do?

Patrick: I don't know.



Megan and Conner stepped out of the bio ship, Conner was carrying a box over his shoulder while Megan was using her powers to lift them. Zatara, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Lightning Rod, Batman and Red Tornado stood in front of them.

Batman: did you get everything?

Megan: everything on your list Batman, plus groceries.

Wally: snickerdoodles?

Patrick: Cookies?

Megan: Yes.

Wally: babe, you rock my world.

Suddenly the doors behind them opened and Wonder Girl, Artemis and Zatanna walked through.

Artemis: glad your back Zatanna, does this mean you're officially joining the team?

Zatara spoke a spell and one of the boxes began to float away.

Zatanna: I don't know, Zatara's so overprotective. I mean just getting him to let me visit takes a full day of weeding. I wish he'd just give me some space.

Almost immediately the three adults vanished in thin air, shocking the team.

Zatanna: dad!

Random chanting that Patrick didn't understand could be heard everywhere. The cave was creepy silent


Zatanna, Lightning Rod and Robin were in the training room while the others were out dealing with the fact that every adult disappeared from the face of the planet.

Kid Flash: (over comms) we set up a refugee camp at the high school. Any luck with—

Robin: no. Can't reach the Batcave, Hall or Watchtower

Lightning Rod: I can't reach Canary or Arrow either. Not even Red Arrow.

Kid Flash: guess we're on our own. Kid Flash out

Zatanna: traditional media is offline, but kids are all posting the same thing. Every adult 18 or older has disappeared.

Robin: hey LR this ring any bells mythology wise? Maybe Cronus?

Lightning Rod: no, Cronus's powers over time would not be able to do something like this. Even he has limits. We're not dealing with a god.

Young Justice: The Lightning RodOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant