"Alright then, thank you." Rick tells him turning back to us before Shane pipes up. "Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me. Anyone could've hold up in that house."

"Anyone includes her right." Andrea says before any of us. "Whoever slept in the cupboard can be no bigger than yay high." Daryl sets his hand to height of a small child.

"Good lead." Andrea praises Daryl. "It is. Let us know when you can find one, Shane." I say sarcastically and he glares at me. I give him a smirk before looking back at Rick. "Maybe we'll pick up her trail again." Rick determines and I can still feel Shane glaring at me.

"Imma borrow a horse. Head up to this ridge get a birds eye view. If she's up there I'll spot her." Daryl tells us and I guarantee he doesn't ask Hershel about the horse. "Maybe you'll see your chubpacabra up the too." T remarks making me chuckle as Daryl nudges me playfully. "Chupacabra?" Rick questions, confused.

"You never heard this?" Dale pipes in from behind me. "His and Merle's first night in camp, Daryl tells us this thing reminds him of the time he went squirrel hunting and saw a chubpacabra." He explains and Jimmy let's out a small laugh which made Daryl look up to look at him. "What you brayin' at jackass?"

"You believe in a blood sucking dog?" Jimmy scoffs and I step in before Daryl can. "You believe in dead people walking around?" That made him shut up. He goes to reach for a gun before Rick puts his hand on it stopping him. "You ever use one before?"

I doubt he has.

"If I'm going out there, I want one." Jimmy states. "Yeah and people in hell want slurpees." Daryl says to him, walking of to the horse barn, making me laugh.

"Be careful, Dixon!" I yell out to him. "Ya worried about me, Grimes?!" He yells back, teasing me like I did yesterday and I scoff. "You wish!" He gives me a smirk continuing walking off.


"Walker!" Andrea suddenly yells making me and Rick jump up and run over to the RV. "Just the one?" Rick asks. "I bet I can nail it from here." She says, as she gets her shotgun ready.

"No! Andrea, do not fire that gun." I sternly tell her. She better listen or me and her are having words.....with my fist. "Andrea, you best let us handle this." Shane glares up at her.

"Guys, come on." Rick calls us. We all run over to where the supposed walker is, Shane and Rick guns help up in front of them. As the walker gets closer, I push Ricks gun down making him glance at me. "Guys, it's Daryl."

"That's the third time you've held that gun at me." He says making us relax before a gunshot rings out going straight passed Daryl. "No!" I run towards him touching the side of his head seeing blood coat my fingers. "Shit." I whisper.

Shane and Rick help him up as Andrea comes running over. "Is he okay?" I glare at her as I walk over to her, my fist already clenched as I hit her jaw. "Does he look okay dumbass?" I snarl at her as she holds her jaw, looking at me shock.

Seriously, we told her not shoot and it goes in one ear and out the other.

"Dan, enough!" Rick calls me as he moves to help Daryl up with the help of Shane. "You just grazed him, Andrea." Rick tells her.

Yeah, she's lucky that's all she did.

"Hey guys." T calls out, we turn and see him holding Sophia's doll.

Holy shit.


I'm sitting next to Daryl holding a gauze to his head to stop the bleeding while he's pointing at a map explaining how far he got as Hershel stitches his side up. I try my hardest to keep my eyes away from his naked torso but it's proving difficult.

"I had no idea we'd be going through antibiotics this quickly." Hershel mumbles sarcastically. "Any idea what happened to my horse?" He asks Daryl.

"Ya mean the one that almost killed me? If its smart, it's be halfway across the county by now." Daryl tells him as I bite my lip trying not to laugh at him. "It's a wonder how you people survived this long." Hershel mutters to Rick.


Shane and Rick leave with Hershel leaving me in the room with Daryl. "I thought I said be careful." I grumble at him. "Blame the horse." He mumbles and I shake my head at him as he looks up at me. "Heard you punched Andrea."

"She's lucky that's all I did and she deserved it. We told her not to shoot and she did it anyway. I could've lost you today." I say sadly and I see his lips tilt up. "So you defended my honour?" He smirks and I roll my eyes making him chuckle. "You're not gonna lose me, Nelle."

I smile at him as I wrap up his head wound. "I better not. Do you need anything?" You can hear the concern still in my voice. "Nah, I'm good." He tells me. "Okay, get some sleep and I'll bring you something to eat later." I tell him sternly making him chuckle. "Yes ma'am." I give him a smirk before making my way out.

I see Carl headed towards me with Ricks cowboy hat on with a huge smile on his face. "Hey, auntie Dee." He says. "Hey, mini sheriff." I flick his hat down making him grumble. "Should you be running around buddy?"

"Well you are." He replies cheekily. "Alright, less of the sass you." I say as I flick his nose playfully. "How's Daryl?" He asks, cutely and I chuckle. "He'll be fine, bud. He's just resting."

"Dani." I look up seeing Andrea coming towards me as Carl back to whatever he was doing. I am so not in the mood for this.
"How's Daryl?" She asks, her jaw bruised from where I had hit her. "You shot him, dumbass. How do you think he is?" She's making me angry. "I was trying to protect the group." She tells me like that justifies her not listening.

"Are you kidding me? You ignored us. We told you not to shoot. That we had it and did you listen? No. You went and did whatever you wanted as usual. I could've lost Daryl today, all thanks to you wanting to prove something. Well, congratulations Andrea, you did prove something.....You can't shoot for shit. Stay away from me unless you want to take a visit to see doc next because I'll do worse than that." I point at her jaw before I walk away clenching my fists.

I almost lost Carl the other day and I came close to loosing Daryl today.

Who's next?

The Walking Dead: Danielle Grimesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें