"It's a good idea, okay." Glenn defends himself as Rick kneels down. "If we go in a group we draw attention but if I'm alone, I can move fast." He moves some objects on the floor. "This is the alley near the tank, that's where me, Dani and Daryl will go." Glenn explains.

Daryl looks at me before looking at Glenn. "Why us?" Glenn gives me a quick glance. "Because your crossbow is quiet, so are her knives."

Makes sense.

"Rick, you and T-dog will be in this alley here." He moves a rubber around. "Two blocks away, why?" Rick asks confused. "Because if I get trapped and can't go back to Dani and Daryl then I will run this way to you and T-dog. Where you'll be waiting." Glenn explains.

"Hey, what'd you do before this?" Daryl asks him making Glenn frown. "Delivered pizzas. Why?" I chuckle quietly as Daryl shakes his head.

Trust a pizza boy to come up with our plan.


Me, Glenn and Daryl climb down into the alley. knives and crossbow at the ready. We get behind a dumpster and Glenn gives me his jacket so I wrap it around my waist. "You got some balls for a chinaman." Daryl mutters as I look back at him. "He's Korean." "I'm Korean." Me and Glenn mumble out the same time making us smile at each other. Daryl looks at both of us shaking his head. "Whatever."

I grab Glenn's shoulder. "Be careful and be quick." I whisper to him sternly. He nods patting my hand that's on his shoulder. He runs out of the gate leaving me and Daryl.

"You two are close." Daryl breaks the silence and I nod my head at him. "Yeah, I guess." Daryl narrows his eyes slightly. "Didn't realise how close." He mumbles and I look at him smirking. "Jealous, Dixon?" I ask and he scoffs at me making me smile looking away. Definitely jealous. "I'm not. Just didn't realise you got together." He suddenly says.

Wait, what?

I look back at him frowning. "We ain't together. He's like a little brother to me." He nods his head with a look that looks like relief. "He's not even my type." I blurt. "Good to know." He mumbles under his breath. I go to say something before a noise behinds us makes out. Me and Daryl look at each other before stepping out coming face to face with a boy who looks no older than sixteen. He holds his hands up. "Woah, don't shoot me."

"I'm lookin' for my brother. He's hurt bad. You seen him?" Daryl asks. The boy doesn't answer instead shouts out. "Ayudame!" He yells in Spanish. "Hey, shut up." I grit out at him.

"Hey! Answer my question." Daryl carries on. "Ayudame! Ayudame!" The boy just shouts again. Daryl whacks him with his crossbow taking him to the ground trying to get him to shut up as I get pushed to the ground making my head bash against the concrete. I go dazed for a second before turning around and kicking the guy in the nuts making him groan.

I spot Glenn come back before the guys rush over to him. They attack him for the bag as Daryl shoots an arrow into one of their asses. The other guy drags Glenn through the gate, the other one following, limping, leaving the guns on the ground.

"Get off of me. Dani! Dani!" Glenn shouts out. I scramble to get to my feet running to get to the gate but it's too late as the car drives off with Glenn inside. I clench my jaw before turning round punching the boy in the face as Daryl pulls me off wanting a turn, but Rick grabs Daryl pushing him back before he puts a hand on his chest to hold him back.

"Whoa whoa, stop it." Rick tells him. "I'll kick your nuts up in your throat!" Daryl continues.

I think he's more pissed than me.

The Walking Dead: Danielle GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now