In Search of Peace - Part 24

Start from the beginning

"But Omi told us that you were not feeling good Karan." SP Kundrra asks Karan with concern.

"I am feeling better now. Let's start the meeting." Karan says sits on the chair.

Meeting finishes and everybody starts heading out. Teju also went out but SP Kundrra stopped Karan.

"Karan, is everything alright? I have been noticing from few days that you are lost somewhere and you are also not coming home and staying in office overnight. I already wanted to talk to you that your mom is worried about you. And today, you are not even feeling well. What's up with you?" SP Kundrra asks Karan with concern.

"Nothing Dad, I am just busy with this new project. This project is so big for Suneeta industries that I do not want to mess up." Karan tries to convince his father.

"But it is not first time that you are working on a big project but you look completely lost. Is this a matter of love?" SP Kundrra asks Karan with a confused look.

"It's nothing like that Dad. You don't worry and tell mom to cook my favorite dishes and I will see you all at home tonight." Karan tries to clear his Father's confusion.

Teju listens to everything as she came back to get a file she forgot but she stopped at door when she heard SP Kundrra and Karan talking. She feel bit concerned about Karan but then she quickly went in to get the file. Karan was still in conference hall and SP Kundrra was leaving. SP Kundrra nodded at Teju and went out. Teju and Karan looked at each other. Karan again tried to approach Teju but she quickly grabbed the file and left from there.

At 6pm, the whole team is meeting to discuss the further details without bosses. But the bosses have been informed about this get together. Teju, Omi, Seema and others are sitting and discussing when Karan enters. Everybody looks at him as they were not expecting him there.

"Karan, I thought you went home already as you were not feeling very well since morning." Omi utters as he saw Karan walking in.

"I will go home after this discussion." Karan replies.

All of them are discussing about all the loopholes. But Karan still have headache and he keep touching his head. Teju notices it.

"Seema, Can you please get pain killers?" Karan asks Seema and she leaves to get the medicine.

"Medicine won't help much; you should go home and rest." Teju mutters slowly.

Karan looks at her, as hearing that from Teju was bit shocking for him.

"That's a problem; I am not being able to sleep." Karan replies to Teju.

Teju looks at him and she can see on his face that he is guilty and that guilt is not letting him sleep peacefully.

"Tejasswi, can we please talk." Karan asks Teju again with pleading eyes.

"I don't want to know any reason or any explanation. I think you should not think too much and get some proper rest. We here to work and that should be our priority." Teju says slowly

Finally, all of them finishes their discussion and all of them walks out. Teju goes outside the main door and trying to catch the auto and Karan also comes out of the main door and he is in range rover. Both looks at each other and Teju quickly get the auto and leaves from there.

Whenever Karan sees her going in auto, he remembers how he use give her rides but he himself ruined everything. Karan reaches home and spends some time with his family which gives him peace. He goes to his room and after trying really hard he sleeps on his bed.

Meanwhile, Teju in her bedroom while laying down on her bed is thinking about her interaction with Karan, Karan and his father's interaction and about all the things Karan's PA told Teju.

"Am I being too hard on Karan? Should I listen to him for once?" Teju asks to herself.

"No, he hurt me very badly. I can't trust him again. I can't." Teju convince herself to not to think about Karan.

Precap- Teju at Karan's House. Party and Umar's planning.

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Happy Monday to you all. I wish you all a good start of the week.

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