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His blood ran cold as he froze at the sudden voice that echoed from his room. His once shaky hands were stilled as he froze in his place. His eyes stretched across the majority of the room, not daring to turn around, or say a word.

His time was up.

"D-don't come closer.." he whispered, hearing the floor creak in the heavy silence that laid upon the room. His bloody hands filled up into fists as he took a deep breath. He couldn't believe what happened minutes ago, his heart was pumping so fast but he was completely frozen.

"But you never stayed put. Did you?" He asked, stepping closer up behind the boy.

"N-no...i-i didn't".

He had a point. He couldn't argue against them. He knew it was how it ended for him. He was dead. But it was better off that way, he killed his own mother. He couldn't ever take that back.

"And what did we tell you?".

He could feel the presence behind him, already shutting his close. He expected two things. One, being killed or tortured for hours. Two, having the little hope he had within him, he hoped that they would have mercy.

"I-i'm sorry" he whimpered, feeling the breath against his neck, the hands grasping onto his body tightly.

"We told you, that the outside world didn't care about you..we were right..right? You didn't believe us, not even when we were the only ones listening to you..but you ran away, for some other people, and another man" he grabbed tighter around his hips,  leaning his head to rest on his shoulder. "And you thought we wouldn't notice. We have eyes everywhere darling..you can't escape us".

Jeongin couldn't help but let the tears fall all over again, his eyes clouded with nothing but blurriness. A headache forming as he tried to pull himself together. But no matter what he did, he felt weak in the man's embrace.

"C-chan..how d-do I fix t-this?" He sobbed, his heart filled with so much regret and guilt, clenching around the chains wrapped around it again.

"Fix what?".

"H-her..i-i want her back..s-she needs to come back, i-i made a mistake...I..n-no" he fell to the floor, hitting himself on the head.

He knew what he did, he was aware of it, he knew he fucked up. He also knew, that if he stayed here, he would be behind literal bars. But if he went with Chan and Seungmin, he'd be taken away from his freedom. He had no good option left..he fucked up.

"Some mistakes aren't meant to be fixed, she was a bad person darling..she doesn't deserve a life to love if you took it from her..she only hurted you more..but it's okay" he whispered, crouching down as he brought the younger close to his embrace. "You are safe with us baby..".

"I-i don't want to go with you..i-i w-wanna have my life back-".

"Quiet. You know you don't have a choice, you are coming back home with us. But that doesn't mean we trust you..cause indeed we are very sorry to say that you'll have to go back to step 1"  he announced. "But we still love you regardless..you are our little perfect doll baby, but you need some adjustment..and a boyfriend of yours to lay in the grave with your mother".

"Y-you won't be taking him..please let him live his life, he doesn't deserve it..I-i'm the one who should be dead!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, scratching his arms repeatedly as his eyes shut closed tightly. "And I-I won't b-be going with you".

"Oh but darling..we already did so much for you when you needed us the most. We prepared dinner for you, saved you from bleeding to death..and now I'm here comforting you" he explained into his ear. His soft lips softly placing a small kiss on his neck. "You've been bad for running away..we were so sad, and we cried so much. We just want what ours back..but you never give us the slightest bit, even when we do so much for you. We never took your life away, we took you away from the things that always did you harm..you just never noticed that" Chan whispered, rubbing soft circles in the younger's back.

"I-i was happy..b-back then" he cried, not wanting to believe the manipulative words that spilled from thr man's mouth. But his heart had different opinions than his brain, but he couldn't find the piece from it he needed to listen to.

"You weren't darling..you always stressed around, you think you smiled a lot? You didn't..you always had a sad face, you weren't ever even happy..but you told yourself constantly you loved it..but you didn't..why else would you have killed your mother? She never treated you right, you just made yourself believe that, so you could have that happy ending. But your happy ending is with us, not her, not your boyfriend, not your stupid friend. Us, and us only are here to bring you happiness, we always did".

"Y-you're lying!" He screamed, but stayed put in the comforting arms, holding back the urge to turn around and hug him back, because he knew he was done for if he did that. "I-its a-all a trap! Y-you just wanna h-hurt me-".

"No, no..we won't. I have been angry but it's called discipline. You were so selfish and so much in your head that you kept thinking we were bad. But all we wanted was your happiness to shine through. We aren't bad people, we did the right thing baby".

Everything was becoming a blur, feeling dizzy from the familiar cologne that stained his nostrils, hid eyes so teary he couldn't even open them. He wanted to escape all the bads in this world, to be alone on his own. It was better off that way.

"We love you, we do. Come back home, in our arms. And we promise to bring back all the good memories, all the peaceful futures. You just need to be patient and good, and we won't lay a hand on you" Chan explained, changing their position so he could face the younger. Watching as he looked so torn apart, a form of satisfaction forming within him, seeing the pain of what the younger felt.

But Jeongin one the other hand felt horrendous. He did something terrible. He didn't deserve to live, he should've have killed himself after. But he had a feeling, that if he didn't agree to go, he'll be forced one way or the other.

"Come back home..home to us, everything would be the same again. And we'll spend more time with you, let you watch TV all you want, eat all the sugary food you can. Come home darling, me and Seungmin misses you".

"I-i have better places to be-".

"Don't lie. We are better than whatever and wherever you wanna be. Let us make you forget that today even existed" he whispered, carrying the boy up to the bed. Kissing his forehead gently. "Seungmin is doing you a big favor baby, he is getting rid of the mess. And I'm here to take as much care for you as possible, but first, let's get rid of this clothes, it's stained with evidence..and we don't need that right? And after I can show you how much love I carry for you".

"W-where is h-he taking her" he asked, wanting to know what Seungmin was going to do with the body which he murdered brutally out of anger.

"To a nice place baby, she is going to rest like she said she would. She Is in good hands yeah? You have until 12 am to decide whether you're willingly going with us, or if we have to push you a bit" he smiled, cupping his face lightly. "But now we need to make you feel better and happier alright, so let's make sure you'll get a bit peace hm?".

"I-i don't-".

"Do you trust me? Trust me enough to help you escape this nightmare of a life you're living?".

He thought about that. Cause in reality he didn't. But he didn't want to say no, he couldn't. He wanted to forget. But he knew he wouldn't ever be able too, he was going to be haunted forever.

"Trust me darling. I won't hurt you, did I ever hurt you when I'm this happy?".

"I D-don't know" he shook his head, not knowing what to answer.

"Trust me" he whispered, slowly hovering above the younger, inserting dominance. Meanwhile all Jeongin could do was whimper as he felt intimidated by the nearing presence, knowing he wouldn't be able to fight back. He was weak and fragile to the bone, meanwhile Chan was buff and strong and could snap him in half. "Let me have back what's...mine".

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