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"Get up" a loud voice could be heard from inside the room, causing Jeongin to sit up directly in a mere second. Panting as he tried to look through the dark room. Struggling to figure out where the voice came from. He looked around, taking aback by the sudden loud noise.

He didn't get any sleep at all. Heck, he didn't even know what time it was. He feared sleeping, not knowing what could happen if he did close his eyes. So whether if it was night or day, to say atleast. He was just genuinely scared. The whole situation made him fear things he never thought he would fear so much. He felt absolutely drained from energy, he was in pain, and his eyes was heavy for what he assumed was hours spend on crying, feeling sorrow for himself since no one around him could comfort his fear and sadness.

"I said get up" he heard again, this time from behind him as the small towel that barely kept him warm was tucked away from him, making him whine out loudly at the once again, and probably very current harsh treatment.

He immediately tried to stand up, the chains making such an uncomfortable sound that he couldn't help but flinch when they chattered too loudly for his liking. He held his head down low, looking at his barely visible feet. Shaking his head as he remembered how he didn't even owned any shoes or jacket in this moment, he just had his comfortable sweater and pair of jeans to keep him warm, some thin white socks that didn't do any form of justice.

"Seungmin turn on the lights" Chan commanded, and by the flick of the switch, the lights inside the room turned on. Giving Jeongin a better view of the horrendous room he was held in.

He turned his head around to see wooden boards beneath his feet, poorly taken care of as they creaked beneath the weight of a humans body, the window covered by not only black blinds, but black fabric aswell, giving no source of natural light inside. His small bed with a yellow thin, foam mattress, the bed made out of steel, and the towel that kept him somewhat comfortable was on the floor. There was a blue bucket by the bed, and a desk by the covered window. This looked like a cell, heck, even worst than an imprisoned person's cell in jail. This looked like something that was abandoned, and given how cold it was, he truly felt like he was abandoned.

But he wasn't alone. And he didn't know whether it was better to be alone, or to be with them. He felt his insanity grow either way, and all he really longed for so far was his parents. For them to give him a big warm hug, and snuggle him. Just like when he was little. Craving the affection he barely haven't received for what he could assume was a day..but really he has yet to know how long his been here for. Not to mention the creeping hunger growing on him, as the pain from being used as a punching bag grew worse with each movement.

"Get dressed into this, and if you behave we'll feed you" Chan spoke, making the younger boy look up at him, only now realizing they no longer wore any face coverage, letting him see exactly each and every bit of features the man had on his face. And he made sure to remember, just incase they were to never show their face to him ever again.

Jeongin finally shifted his attention to the clothes Chan held in his hands, shaking at the thought of having to wear that infront of the two men. Now he knew he was bisexual, but that didn't mean he wanted to dress feminine, he loved to keep his thinner proportions quite muscled up. But he didn't like to imagine himself in that clothes.

"Do I have to repeat twice?" Chan spoke deeply, getting impatient by the younger's hesitation. Causing him to shift on his feet.

"C-can't I wear something else?" He stuttered out, grabbing the clothes from Chan's hand unvoluntarily.

"No" Seungmin spoke directly, causing Jeongin to shift his head towards the man who finally spoke something that wasn't 'mine'.


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