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"W-why are you h-hurting me?!" Jeongin exclaimed, startled by the sudden nightmare. Sitting up immediately as he panted heavily, his head hurting. He tried to calm down from the horrific nightmare, questions flushing his mind like a train coming hundreds of miles per hour, towards him. He was afraid of the dark room, wondering why the lamp on the bedside table was turned off.

Did they come home?

A loud noise could be heard from outside, causing the boy to jump from his current position, to another position, curling up under the blanket that belonged to Chan, as he listened to the sound of heavy rain hitting the glass of the window. The boy tried to reach out and turn on the lights, but sighed in frustration when he figured there must have been a power outrage. He wanted to stand up, given that the injuries he suffered weeks ago was now moderately healed. But he was afraid that if he did, they would hurt him.

But he couldn't help but to eventually rise to his feet..Chan's big and puffy blanket still wrapped around his fragile proportions as he stepped over the floor, his legs shaking as there was still a small tiny stinging pain left from that night weeks ago. He held back a whimper as he tried to turn the handle to open the door, but already knew it was locked. He didn't bother in making a lot of noise, afraid someone who wasn't meant to hear, would notice the sounds coming from the room.

He sighed as he looked into the darkness of the room. It was somewhat light outside, but overly cloudy and gloomy, automatically decreasing his mood, as he watched the sky cry. Jeongin second thought was to open the window, but he knew that he would be dead meat if the two men would notice..which they definitely would. He didn't like to look outside, but still peeked at the trees surrounding the house backyard.

The backyard was nowhere big nor fancy. And it definitely wasn't taken care off. Judging by the tall outgrown grass, and the dead plants getting soaked with water. Jeongin wondered why the weather was so bad today, judged by how sunny it looked yesterday before the men left for whatever they had with their friends. He figured it must be morning.

He looked at the radiator beneath the window, wondering if he would get in trouble if he turned it on. The room was a bit cold, so he just went and turned it on a tiny bit. Going back to the bed after that, picking up a book he didn't read yet, and decided he could burrow his face down into the endless pages. He didn't know when the two men were coming home, so he knew that keeping himself busy with the book between his hands, was all he had left to do.

He didn't have the energy to explore Chan's room, and neither did he intend to do so. He didn't want the fumble with things that didn't belong to him, not knowing if Chan owned something that could have an emotional value to him. He didn't want to upset them. He also didn't plot to escape out the window. He felt pathetic, but he genuinely didn't feel like escaping when the weather was bad..it was a bad reasoning, he had the chances of coming back home right there and then..but he didn't want to take the risk. He didn't know the area, the nearest town, if trains were a thing he also didn't have a jacket, nor shoes, the clothes he wore wasn't his neither, and he would become overly exhausted just from walking 10 meters.

So he was good to just stay in bed, and be told what to do. He knew that running away wasn't an option anyways..they would find him no matter what. He knew the thought of escape wouldn't actually leave his mind, but he somehow hoped it would. It wasn't worth spending the tiny bit of life he still had inside of him, on such hopes.

He didn't want to become more uglier than what he already was. He knew that from his scarred flesh, his shaky bones, his unstable joints, he knew he wasn't the same anymore. He knew he wasn't the boy who dropped out of school to focus on brewing coffee, he was far more worse and pathetic. Lying to himself all day and night, promising it would all be okay someday. And that he will make it alive. Though the thoughts of high hopes made him doubt his overall abilities to function as a decent human being. But with the progress he was making in adjusting to this place, he seemingly assumed that all he had left, was to grow used to all of this.

He had no choice..heck he barely had a life.

With a frustrated sigh, and being unable to focus on the real matter. He eventually sat up, scanning the room once again. Chan had a very simple taste to when it came to such things as decorating a room. Portraits of pictures from when he was young, stood shamelessly on the desks and surfaces around the room. He already peeked at them all..

The boy on those pictures didn't seem like Chan. No, Chan didn't smile from pure emotions. Chan was mean and coldhearted. But the boy in those pictures seemed innocent, decent, pretty much like any other other kids back then at his age. It saddened the younger to know, how such a pretty little soul, could be so cruel. What was behind Chan's eyes when he looked into them was dominance, power, anger, and control..but in the boy's eyes..it was purity, happiness, positive vibes.

He wondered where that boy went..where it was hiding..was he scared of Chan too? Was he afraid of the anger, control, power and overall dominance the man held?

Or was he no longer here to be seen?

Was Chan so cruel that he killed his own persona? Or was he just bluffing nonsense now?

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