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There was many things that piqued the boy's interest when Chan first started driving, one was being seated up front, able to look ahead of the road, to see everything. His eyes widened with curiosity as he looked at the landscape infront of him. Of course nobody could see him through the black tinted windows, and the black mask he was demanded to wear. But it didn't matter, he genuinely thought it was a nice car ride so far, how he managed to see the outside world. his eyes shining with purified curiosity. He was beyond excited. He thought he would be uncomfortable and scared, afraid of everything that would be revealed to him. But no, it was genuinely nice.

Maybe it was the fact that he was hidden behind those black tinted windows, and the mask that kept him from showing his features. He assumed that those were the factors that made him enjoy the presence of the chill and slightly cold, outside world.

He also found out more about the place Chan and Seungmin lived in. Finding out it was indeed, in the middle of fucking nowhere. He looked genuinely surprised, seeing that they were located in the mountains, only tiny farms with cows, horses, and other farm house animals. The tiny stores that was around each small corners here and there, another factor that shocked him. Chan seemed to notice his excitement and chuckled lowly, his hands moving from the gear to the boy's tiny thighs, grasping it gently as he drove upon the road that revealed more interesting things for Jeongin's curiosity to spike.

He ignored the gentle hand moving front and back on his thighs, deeply focused on whatever that was infront of him that given moment. Assuming that this would most likely, never happen again. So he made sure to appreciate every single moment. And staying quiet so that Chan could focus on driving.

"Hm, I'm glad you calmed down..I can't have two upset people in one house, especially if they are onto each other" Chan commented, the boy tilting his head towards Chan.

"I'm not upset at Seungmin...i-i..was just scared..I don't want to be bad.." Jeongin spoke as he fiddled with his hands, Chan raising his brows with a scoff.

"Seungmin probably wants to punish you darling" Chan shook his head, stopping by a red light as his eyes darkened before him.

Jeongin just looked down, afraid he upset Chan with his words. That was until, Chan moved his hand to grasp his chin, forcing him to look back up at him.

"C-can't you stop him please?..i-i don't wanna get hurt.." Jeongin spoke, his hands shaking as he looked into the soulless eyes that belonged to Chan.

"You broke a lot of our furnitures in the bathroom..I'm sure you deserve to be lectured by Seungmin" Chan spoke, his hands leaving his chin as it went back to the boy's thighs, as he started to drive once again.

"I'm sorry..I was being bad.." he mumbled, knowing that he indeed was at fault for breaking those things, tears threatening to spill from his eyes at the thought of getting punished.

Remembering what happened last time, and the following days of getting constantly drugged without his consent. He knew that it wasn't okay, but he was slowly losing that thought..believing he deserved those punishments, for what he did to anger the two men. But was like a death or alive situation..and he fought for what he wanted the most.

He wanted to be able to live..he wasn't ready to give up his life this young, just because he couldn't do one thing right.

"..but..I suppose I could talk with Seungmin about it" Chan sighed out, a smirk creeping onto his face. "He probably still thinks you tried to escape..he needs to be atleast be told that those weren't your intentions..but he is pretty hurt because of you" Chan spoke, making the boy feel guilt creep up upon him.

He didn't want to harm anyone..he didn't know his actions could be harmful..he knew he kicked Seungmin, and it probably upset him the most..that he physically hurt him. He knew his excuses weren't valid. So, he slumped against the seats of the car in distress, his hands grasping onto the seat belt. Afraid that he was going to get hurt.

"You know that we love you darling..we want you for ourselves, and you know that. Yet you always get involved into these situations.." Chan huffed out, pulling into a small parking lot by a small house, causing Jeongin to look at Chan with apologetic eyes. "What do you want baby? Something that doesn't require you leaving the house at anytime, or thinking about escape..you know we can give you everything with a snap of our fingers" Chan confessed, clicking the boy's seat belt off as he pulled him to sit in his lap. Hands behind his back to keep them at a close ratio.

Jeongin knew that all he wanted was for him to get his old life back. Though, he would never get that. He wasn't the same, he would never be the same. He had the men to rely on, no one else. He knew he had to adjust fully to that house, that has indeed been his home for the longest period of time. He knew that there wasn't much to it, other than accept and receive. So being asked what he wanted, put him in a difficult position.

It was useless to answer with delusion, thinking that some things were able to come true. Instead, he had to answer with logic..something he surely haven't used for a long, long time.


No, he couldn't ask for anything. He looked down, eyes getting teary, bending forward as he automatically wrapped his arms around Chan's neck, hiding his face in the crook of it as he sobbed out loud. It all took the man by surprise, putting his arms around the boy in shock. But knew it was the requirements.

If he and Seungmin wanted Jeongin so badly..then, they had to atleast show it..knowing that it was a difficult task, but he embraced the boy as he cooed at him, rubbing circles and tracing lines down his fragile proportions.

"Darling.." he mumbled, letting Jeongin melt at the nickname being called out to him in such situation, his body visibly relaxing a bit in Chan's hold. "Look at me".

With that he looked up, his teary eyes watching the blurry vision of Chan, as the man pulled down his mask, wiping the tears from his face with a soft smile.

"C-chan" he whimpered looking at Chan that held him close. "W-what if someone...manages t-too see me..i-its not good".

Chan gazed at him with surprise, amused by the boy's sudden worries about being spotted..Chan chuckled, his lips coming in contact with his forehead, the boy flinching at the sudden impact, looking at Chan in shock. His eyes widening as he tensed, not expecting the man to do such an affectionate action.

"Don't you worry darling..just be a good boy and stay in the car while I go get something" Chan spoke, pulling up the boy's mask and adjusting it, so it wouldn't reveal any other part of the boy's face, but his eyes.

"D-don't l-leave..I don't feel safe alone" he whimpered, Chan staring at him with a twisted look on his before he nodded. Pulling off the hoodie he was wearing, and slipping it over the tiny body that belonged to the boy..being immediately engulfed in the hoodie, and drowning in the man's scent.

"You listen to me closely baby" Chan demanded, pulling the boy's far to close to his face. Causing a blush to creep up upon his cheeks, his eyes widening in shock. "You will stick to me, and me only okay? You will not wander off on your own..don't talk to anyone but me, don't touch anything unless I tell you too, you stay where you are if I leave to get something..alright?!" Chan spoke, making himself clear infront of the younger.

Jeongin nodded immediately, preparing to obey to his fullest. Trying to pull a bit away from Chan, since he felt like they were a bit too close for his liking.

And with that, Chan was the first to leave the car, pulling the younger out with him, before he looked him up and down, and nodding his head.

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