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There was something special about his cold, pale, and discolorated hands being engulfed in Chan's firm, vivid, and strong ones. The way Chan held a tight grib around his fragile hands, able to break them easily. Typically, Jeongin would feel as if there was danger near whenever he felt just the smallest gesture change. But right now, all he felt was flustered emotions poking him left and right. The blush, the sweat, yep, he was all that awkward little boy. He was glad though, didn't worry much about how he looked, cause no one could see him. They could see his silhouette, but not his face, not his scarred body, and could barely even peek at his discolorated flesh.

In other words. He was unrecognizable. He probably looked unrecognizable too without the mask on. But people would definitely be worried if they saw somebody that looked like they just came out from a zombie apocalypse movie, in their store, with a buff man that looked like his fucking owner.

Which he technically was.

So answer was. Mask, kept him safe...or well that what he would've have love to believe. Knowing that at this point, he himself, was avoiding the public and the police too. He himself, couldn't afford getting found. He knew there was no use to deny it anymore. But by now, he genuinely believed he would live a much easier life in silence and obedience, listening to his abductors, and having no form of self-control at all. He couldn't turn back time, and he didn't wanna be known for being the infamous kidnapped boy, who got treated poorly. Heck, the poor treatment, or well the bare minimum was like luxury to him at this point.

Like now, being able to go out, pick out a few books he found interesting. It was exciting. Not focusing on people around him, having to stay quiet. He quite preffered it like that.

He didn't need to yell for help, Chan was there to save him from all troubles right? He didn't need to fear the man at all. He knew that the men only did him harm if he hurt them too..right? Well, he couldn't afford to paint them as bad people, nor when he felt like a bad person himself. He just wanted to appreciate the time he had with Chan out. While secretly stealing glances of course, cause he was that far down the drain at this point.

"If I let go of you hand, you will only be allowed to walk around the book aisle, and pick out five books that you want. Don't touch or talk to anyone other than me, only touch books, and nothing else. Got it?" Chan whispered in his ear, his hands pushing him by his hips, towards the books that stood on full display infront of him.

He just nodded, a small, excited, smile on his lips as he slowly walked away from Chan, his legs being a bit shaky and his breath unstable. He wasn't used to walking this much. And it felt odd to be away from Chan. He stopped for a moment, by a shelf, scanning the books to see if any of them could potentially pique his interest.

But he also knew that the description could be misleading to the story, and that the cover could have nothing to do with the book.

He picked two that actually seemed interesting. Holding them close to his chest as if he was protecting them from harm. As he scurried over to the bigger shelves, feeling a bit uneasy of being so far away from Chan. He stood still, and looked back at Chan who just watched his moves intensely. He wanted him to come closer, he wanted his bigger body proportions to shelter him, to keep him invisible so that no one could peek at him. His eyes were like a call for protection, and he just wanted Chan to follow close behind him. He felt cold and lonely without his hands on his body, or the warmth of the man's body near him.

So he motioned for him to come closer. A bit afraid of just standing alone and exposed to the public despite being very much hidden. And Chan simply complied, peeking over his shoulder, arm snaking around his waist.

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