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And here he found himself again, in an unexplainable situation. Neither was this good nor safe, but it led him somewhere else right? Of course trusting a stranger to go home with them after a few hours of drunk conversations, complaints and sloppy mumbling. But it was still daring..he needed that excitement in his life, to risk it now that he had the opportunity to be free, he was careless, doing whatever he wanted. He wasn't going to be stuck up, in behind bars in his little head. If he was old enough for his mother to complain about, then he was old enough to risk his life yet another time.

Going home with a stranger was dangerous, and could potentially lead him to become kidnapped again...but he tried it once, then why not twice? What else did he have to live up too? His name was legitimately the kidnapped boy. He had no other expectations on his back other than behaving like a normal human being.

He was indeed not normal, and not able to move through his life smoothly. He was stuck in a loop, and this guy, who he found out was named Hyunjin, he was cool, down to earth yet quite daring to say the least. He had such a more gentle persona than he had around people, acting all taugh and stuff. He was one hell of an attractive man too. The beauty radiating off of him was undescribable in the first place.

So yeah, maybe he was an easy offer still, but staying with yet another handsome man overnight, having Chaewon covering his back? Say less, he needed it.

"Ayo! Need some water or?" Hyunjin yelled as he strolled to the kitchen, Jeongin taking a quick notice at his tall frame smiling stupidly to himself.

"Yeah sure.." he quickly gave an response, feeling all geared up and flustered. Hyunjin's place smelled heavenly, it was clean and pretty organized, it wasn't a big apartment, just a small studio complex with one singular room, a bathroom and a small kitchen. Jeongin figured this guy must have moved away from home to study here in Busan.

"Here you go little princess" he chuckled, handing the glass of water to the fucked out wasted boy who smiled like a stupid idiot to himself. "Loosen up yeah?".

The blush across his cheeks never settled down even after loosening a bit up with some snacks and lots of water. His mind was raising places he didn't know it could reach, and his imagination was all over the place. It felt as if he was having just a little tiny crush on this guy, who he has just met hours ago. Seems a little crazy, right? But did it matter to him? Not really.

He's been through worse. He has seen the worst, experienced the worst. How could this hurt him?

In his mind nothing could ever be worse than what he has gone through. He believes that taking risk was the only form of living for him now, what else did he live for anyways? He wanted his youthful years back, the years he could spend being careless. But he spend them being overly cautious, and he regretted that deeply. Even if it wasn't his fault, he could not stop blaming himself for it.

He was done hiding, he was ready to go live wildly, however he wanted, even if it damaged him even more, or filled him to the brim of the bottle. No one would never understand what it took for him to still be alive, only to find out he really had nothing else to live for.

So as stupid as it sounded, he wanted to deeply do something controversial for once, something that he has under control. And maybe, this guy, was a perfect example on how to feel lighted up again, even if it was no where near Chan nor Seungmin...it would still be something..right?

"Can we watch a movie?" He asked confidently, wanting an excuse to stay close to this boy again, he smelled good, looked good, and had a contagious personality. He loved that.

"Not tired huh?" He asked with a laughed and Jeongin responded with a cheeky grin.

"How am I supposed to be tired when there is so much dumb shit to waste my life on?" He jumped on the bed, hand behind his head as he glanced at the boy with a smirk.

"Well kidnapped boy, you are quite a person to be around with".

"Oh yeah? How about..." he trailed off looking down at the taller's long limbs, licking his lips slightly as he looked back up at the boy, a smile on his face as it reddened a bit. "How about we play a game? Just you and me, and Me and you alone?".

He didn't notice how fast he moved, his excitement was over the top, and Hyunjin definitely didn't calm him down, and instead matched his energy almost perfectly.

"Oi, do not test me! Reminder, I'm a motherfucking whale alrighty?" Hyunjin responded, both subconsciously moving closer to one another, fighting their urges to keep their hands to themselves as they just stared at each other.

"I have taken a lot, I can take another huge wave if you splash me with it".

"And how would you explain that to your parents hm? Aren't they worried about you man?" Hyunjin looked a bit worried, before brushing it off as soon as Jeongin answered.

"I'm more worried about how impatient I'm getting, you keep me hanging" he commented, finally laying an arms over the guy's waist.

"But you like it don't ya boy? You like chasing hm?".

"If you can make me forget my own fucking existence I for sure would not like it...." he laughed, his hands rubbing circles on Hyunjin's waist, only moving subconsciously closer to feel his breath hit his face more prominently the closer he got to him..how exciting. "I would fucking love it".

"So the games on? Let's play tag, I'm it, but oh wait...I've already got you boy".

Hated this chapter but this story for real needs to end up somewhere ig.

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