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It was a longer drive than what he had anticipated. They took the highway to get to their destination much quicker. But they got there safe and sound..Jeongin couldn't lie about how scared he felt setting foot in Busan for the first time in years. He was immediately brought into the police station, but there was a few obstacles to get through first. New reporters and journalist was surrounding the whole station, just to get a glimpse and a few pictures and recordings of the new found missing boy. And Jeongin was horrified. He hated cameras, and with that he meant it. He didn't have a good history with it, and he didn't like being recorded especially not publicly. He held onto the hem of Chan's t-shirt, frightened to death as he walked past the crowd filled with cameras flashing in his face.

He couldn't breathe, this was too much, this was stupid, he wanted to go back. It was so kuch more safe and sound with Chan and Seungmin. But now he was bombarded with cameras and microphones in his face, crying loudly as people yelled and screamed his name over and over again.

Questions were asked and yelled at him. The desperate reporters and journalist doing everything in their might to get a glimpse of the sobbing and frightened boy. He was scared, really fucking scared.

Fortunately they made it inside the police station, closing and covering the doors with blinds. So no one could capture a glimpse off Jeongin.

"You might be really shaken up, but we need you to cooperate with this detective over there" the officer from the car spoke, but Jeongin didn't want to leave his side. He felt a bit more comfortable with him, and he didn't trust to detective who stood with a serious face and clipboard in his hands. "You will then be escorted to the hospital-".

"Why?" He interrupted, frightened to hear the word the camera out of the officers mouth.

"To check up on you. It's clear you've been through some type of extreme repeated trauma, and based on the scars and bruises on your body, we can clarify it haven't just been emotional but physical too. So it's a must for you to be checked by a professional" the officer explained, but Jeongin refused to believe that it was necessary.

Eventually he was shown closer towards the detective, and was put in a room with him. The silence was loud as he was forced to sit on the chair, and quite honestly..he ust wanted to go home.

"Cha-..i-i" he panicked as he almost spoke Chan's name, he couldn't get them out of his head. He couldn't help but to tear up again, feeling beyind stressed and upset.

"Hi, Jeongin..I'm detective Joon. But You can just call Joon alright? I have a few requirements for you, before we go into the further questioning so I would highly appreciate if you made the job easy for me" the detective spoke, his voice was deep and somewhat calm.

He looked up to get a good proper detail of his face. He had plump lips like Chan, a big nose like him too, but they looked nothing alike.

"The clothes your wearing..we need to get it backed up, I've brought some clothes you could wear instead" Joon smiled, placing the clothes on the table.

"I-i don't.." he didn't want to wear anyone else's clothes. He wanted to wear Chan shirt. "C-can you t-turn around?" He whimpered, and the detective nodded before turning around. And so. He took of the pants he wore, along with his underwear, folding them neatly before putting on some pair of blue baggy boxers, and some denim jeans, he looked down at the tee he was wearing. But he refused to take it off, so he just place the other black t-shirt there was, in the other plastic, wanting to keep Chan's t-shirt, for the sake of comfort.

"Y-you can, t-turn around now" he whispered as he sat back down, watching as the man grabbed the bag and placed it beside his leg.

"Let's move onto the questioning. I want you to know that the things you say, will be documented with this box. So just let me know if you want to tap out, or need a break. But I would highly recommend to spill everything you remember, and cooperate with the police department" he smiled, placing the box in the middle between them.

"A-am I i-in trouble?" Jeongin asked, hands shaking as he didn't dare to look up at the detective.

"You are not in trouble unless you have done something illegal. Your abduction was not your fault, and you definitely are not to blame for it" Joon explained, making sure Jeongin understood the details. "I will turn the box on now, from here on now, I will be asking you question, and you will have to try you best to explain and answer alright?" The detective spoke again, and Jeongin had no other choice but to nod his head in agreement, feeling pressured already.

He heard a small beep like sound, and a bit of shuffling, then a tiny cough before Joon spoke.

"Do you remember any important details leading up to the day you got abductor?" The detective asked, and already, Jeongin was panicking trying to search through his words.

He knew the detective knew it had something to do revolving the cafè he previously worked at, he saw the news that one day, explaining and documenting the most out of his abduction. He wasn't stupid, he knew they knew.

"I-it.." he cleared his throat, to calm down his nerves. "It first happened at the cafè..t-there..was, uhm these two men..dressed in black with masks on..u-uhm...t-they..n-no I, felt uncomfortable..and notified m-my colleague about it..s-she offered to c-cover me..b-but i told her it was fine...t-then they k-kept showing up..Day after day" he explained, before he fell silent again, looking down as he fiddled with his hands.

"And what happened after? Did you ever have any business going on with these men or did they just show up, pinpointing their target at you?" Joon wrote down, seemingly crossing things over his clipboard.

"I-i..never met them before that day in the cafè".

"What happened after? Jeongin?" Joon asked, and Jeongin became anxious.

The boy sighed as he reached for the water bottle across the table, sipping it before he pushed it away again. He brought his knees up to his chest, already afraid and scared enough from all the commotion. He was so shakened up.

"W-weird things started occurring.." he spoke, loud enough for the detective to hear.

"What weird things occurred?".

"I-i felt eyes o-on me constantly..and u-uhm, there w-was..o-often flashes of cameras..I would notice out the corner of my eyes..w-whenever I-..uhm showered or g-got dressed..there..was this episode- where I t-thought I've gotten insane..uhm..t-the window was open one day..after I got home from work..and I..uhm, went to close it..a-and..t-there was t-this r-red liquid..a-and I freaked o-out..t-there was a dead cat...so i-i ran up to the bathroom..uhm and g-got cleaned up..I'm n-not the biggest fan of bacteria..b-but when i-i c-cam do-down again..the cat was gone...e-everything was clean! I-i didn't understand..i-its fur was everywhere..but t-then it was gone and..and" he couldn't help to break down crying, rubbing his head in distress, his eyes welled with tears. "I thought i was crazy".

"Did you know the dead cat? Like who it belonged too?".

"I-it..d-did..look familiar to my colleagues cat" he mumbled, whipping away his tears.

Joon crossed something over again, adjusting his position.

"Your parents..stated there was something with the locks? And you being really confused and upset?" Joon questioned, tilting his head.

"Y-yes!..t-the locks. I always locked the front door..and w-when I went d-down stairs at night to drink water. I-i noticed t-the door w-was unlocked..I thought m-my dad might have fiddled with it-..because he needs to hydrate himself during the night and all...u-uhm..the n-next morning my mom c-complained about the locks being undone..b-but I swore I locked it" he explained, drinking more and more fluid, before pasing the water bottle away again. "B-but i-i just went to work..a-and when I c-came back..the door was unlocked. B-but no one was home..and..a-and" he paused, taking yet another big gulp of the water before throwing the now empty water  bottle away.

"You begged for your exes help? Correct?".

"I-i was scared..a-and was hoping she'd let me s-stay..b-but c-couldn't. I-i was a-abducted right a-after I l-left" ge mumbled, remembering the way he fought for his life..how he was thrown down the stairs.

"What happened after you got abducted?" The detective asked, crossing out more stuff on the paper.

"T-they forced me into a car..a-and t-they drove and drove, before i-i got knocked out" he whispered, slowly not able to speak more.


"I-i...n-no more p-please?".

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