Chapter 18_The meeting_

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"Yes..." Said Diablo as if this is a completely normal situation.

"I believe lord Osamu told you to train in the labyrinth?" I say in a confused tone. He might be a smartass but he never thinks twice about Osamu's orders.

"Really! I'm on my way!" Said an existing Diablo before teleporting to the labyrinth.

I then give Rimuru a sympathetic look and he gives me a nervous one back.

"Huhh just change into your normal clothes will ya?" I say still dumbfounded as to why I have to be the one to deal with that demon's antics.

"Right away." Said Rimuru as some black mist appeared around him changing his clothes.


Osamu POV:

"Okay so is everybody here?" I ask looking around.

We have Diablo and Shion standing behind me, there are Benimaru, Gabiru, and Geld on my left. And on my right, there are the demons trio, Gabta, Hakuro, and Adalman. With our guests in front of me. There we also have Shuna and Rimuru on standby with Veldora of course on the sofa.

"So Rimuru you told us you know a lot about the Empire's military force right?" I ask ignoring the nervous looks on our guest's faces.

"Yes, as the leading strategist, I know all the information Guy's subordinates gather." Hmm after some time he stopped calling Guy with Sama.

"I know about the divisions their military strength and the individual called Marshal." Counted Rimuru the last one sending a shiver down our guest's spines.

"So Gadra was it? How much do you know." I ask Gadra the apparent empire's main adviser.

"I-if your butler knows so much then why even ask?" Nervously asked Gadra.

"Hi's just here to fact-check you so, please tell us all you know," I say giving Gadra the spotlight.

"Wary well then, if this allows me to join you I am willing to do it." Said Gadra as he started explaining.

So here's the gist of it. All of the Empire's military power was centered on the emperor. Apart from the emperor, the highest-ranking officer within the military is the Marshal. Following the marshal are the three Generals commanding each division, selected after discussions held within the marshal, the emperor, and Gadra. These appointed generals will then be given God-grade equipment.

Their only creed is that "Power is Everything," which in turn makes their ranks very chaotic. But in the simplest of ways the Empire's military is separated into three divisions.

Armored Division

Commanded by Calgurio, where science and technology of the different worlds were fused with magic technology, it is the largest division with more than 2 million soldiers. And because of its size and complexity, it is separated as follows:

-Restructured Armor Corps

Soldiers have been modified using technology to raise their strength and durability. Their combat capability was at least ranked C+, and the elite among them even reached rank A. There are more than 700,000 of them.

-Magitank Force

This unit possessed 2,000 magic tanks, a new weapon they had put into practical use. The magic tank, operated by five people, is an unprecedented war machine that revolutionized the concept of battle.

-Flying Combat Corps

They have 400 airships and are the pride of the Empire, the fruit of otherworldly knowledge. Each craft could carry a maximum of 400 passengers. Of them, 50 are vital maintenance crew required to operate the ship, while the remaining crew would be engaged in defensive magic or gunning.

Rimuru's revengeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن