: Hey, I didn't buy it again, Mr. Xian, let's put a few more pots on the shelves.


Hua Xian suddenly discovered that the progress bar on the panel of the one-star harbor happiness flower shop in the Klein bottle has increased again, and it has become 92% "

Sell one more potted plant, and the progress bar will increase by 2% "

Hua Xian was quite surprised, "Based on this calculation, wouldn't it mean that if I add 4 more potted plants, each with 10,000 pots, the mission of Happy Flower House will be completely completed?

" The bottle, let it be promoted to Siwei.

For such a big leap, there will definitely be a lot of rewards.

Hua Xianxin thumped wildly, she immediately went to pick and prepared 40,000 flower pots of different sizes, and let the robot fill these 40,000 flower pots with fertile soil, most of which were dug from the free fields next to the flower fields. from.

This is no small project.

"Ten thousand pots of lavender, lavender can be planted with stems."

Many flowering plants can be planted with stems, and they take root quickly. Select healthy flowering branches, transplant them, insert the stems into the soil about three to four centimeters, and water the nutrient solution at a suitable temperature and environment.

"10,000 pots of marigolds, sow seeds."

The flowers have left a lot of marigold seeds, and have begun to expand their planting on a large scale, because this kind of flowers can be used as scented tea, which can clear away heat and detoxify, and taste good. With the help of a robot, she spreads the marigold seeds into the pots.

Most of the robots developed by Shuguang Branch have gardener planting programs, which can help in many things. Such as watering flowers, sowing, inserting poles, loosening soil, adjusting temperature and humidity, and even picking and washing vegetables.

"Ten thousand pots of irises, which look like blue butterflies. Butterfly images are very popular in the Sulu galaxy."

Hua Xian thought about it. There are two ways to plant irises, one is to sow seeds and cultivate seedlings, and the other is is a segmented rhizome. The latter is more troublesome, and it is necessary to dig out the previously planted iris plants and divide and cultivate the rhizomes.

She still chose to sow seeds, which is simple and easy, and only needs to keep the soil breathable and fertile.

"The last 10,000 pots, what should I choose?"

Hua Xian was thinking.

Rose? Roses are also popular, representing love, romantic themes.

She looked again at the window of the pharmaceutical factory on Xingbo, and found that the medicine M-1234, which uses catnip as the main raw material, has sold a total of 300 million bottles.

"300 million? The cat clan is only 100 million in total?" Hua Xian was a little puzzled. Her M-1234 medicine was sold at a very high price, and she actually sold more than the quota.

I looked through the comment area of ​​M-1234 potion, only to find that they are all addicted cats and cats.

: It's too good. This taste really makes Meow want to stop. Although Ben Mao has broadened his spiritual domain through this potion, he still bought three bottles in a row.

: I bought five bottles, and I drank one when I was in the emo mood, and immediately got high, just want to roll, step on milk, and meow.

: You don't know yet, in the aristocratic cat circle, there is a game, and everyone sucks this at the banquet. Those who are rich don't care about the tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars, as long as they are happy, it's over.

✓ Letting you take charge of the flower shop, Xingji Lingzhi has recovered?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora