three, and before leaving the conference room, he suddenly Turning back, he said, "By the way, captain, the kitchen will make a happy meal as usual in the evening. Remember to eat it together!" The happy meal for traveling

is a day that will be held on the starship on the night of each large-scale mission at the Lieyang base. A small party.

The meaning of the gathering is the same as the literal meaning. I hope this time the mission trip can be happy, smooth and safe.

Seeing that Feng Buyan was staring at the stone egg, Jiu Cong squinted his eyes and smiled very considerately: "If the captain is willing, please bring your little stone to participate, I think everyone should really want to get to know this special companion "

Feng Buyan waved at him, and the door of the meeting room was gently closed by Jiu Cong.

The stone egg on the table was motionless, Feng Buyan stretched out his finger and poked lightly: "Small stone?"

Stone Egg didn't respond, as if he didn't hear him talking. As everyone knows, the little mermaid in the stone shell really didn't hear it.

Chu Shishi was so dizzy that he fell asleep a long time ago, and the eggshell was still in the Do Not Disturb mode, and no sound or light from the outside world was transmitted into the stone shell.

Feng Buyan yelled again, seeing that Shidan still didn't respond, he frowned slightly.

When the meeting was just held, he found that Shidan didn't move at all. At that time, he guessed that the other party didn't want others to know his "little secret", so he restrained himself so much when there were many people.

But now there was no one else in the conference room, and his little stone remained motionless and did not respond.

——Could it be the same situation as last time?

Thinking of the last time Shidan was silent for two or three days, Feng Buyan frowned even more, and in an instant, countless guesses flooded into his mind.

Weakness? Or was the body damaged irreversibly during the battle with the eyeliner mecha? Or is it something more rare?

No matter which one it is, Feng Buyan feels that it is not a good thing.

He thought for a while, got up and went out with the stone egg in his arms, and walked to the utility room of the starship.

Although it was called a utility room, the things in the room were arranged very neatly. They were all sorted and placed on the shelves. Feng Buyi quickly found what he was looking for.

It was a palm-sized, boxy transparent box without a cover. It looked very ordinary and had no special features. It was actually a portable nutrition cabin, and the size of the box could be adjusted according to needs.

Feng Buyi was holding the stone in one hand and the nutrition cabin in the other. When he was going out, he happened to bump into Ansair who came to pick up his things.

The little fluffy cat hopped its head while walking, and when it saw Feng Buyan, the bouncing cat paused and said in surprise, "Captain? What are you doing here?" "Of course you came to fetch

things." Feng Buyan He waved the small box in his hand.

"Portable nutrition cabin?" Ansair's tone was even more surprised, "Captain, what do you want this for? Do you want to raise fish?"

This kind of nutrition cabin has a transparent shell, and its system has comprehensive functions. It can add nutrient solution and perform sanitation Handling and other operations are very convenient, so many people regard this nutrition cabin as a special nutrition cabin for raising pets.

✓Cosmic First Class Protection Mermaid EggWhere stories live. Discover now