Chapter 19- Boundaries

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Mariya only shook her head in response to his question, indicating a negative answer.
" Rather, I'm feeling cold."
She complained, shrinking further into the duvet. She shut her eyes, hoping to get carried away into a deep slumber.

A frown marred her features when she felt Zayn's gentle hold around her waist. Within the fleet of a second, she found herself pinned under his body. She let out a squeal at the sudden action. He didn't even give her time to process the whole situation.
Although, he made sure not to burden her with his weight.

She could feel the chill air that once engulfed her, slowly dissipate. Heat radiated from his body and she could feel it.

Their proximity was something she's never felt before. This was a haven as compared to Hassan's.

" Zayn..."

" Shhhh!" He cut off her protest by placing a finger on her lips." Tell me, do  you still feel cold?" He asked innocently as if he wasn't aware of their current proximity.

She was taken aback by his actions so much that she couldn't find words to answer his question. Not to talk about the intensity of his gaze.
She shook her head slowly, denoting a ' no'.

Zayn chuckled lightly at her, throwing his head back a little. He likes how she completely mellows anytime he closes the distance between them.

Mariya didn't fail to notice the bulge of his Adam's apple go up and down as he chuckled.

He leaned towards her and whispered.
" Words. Malika, I want to hear you speak. Are you still feeling cold?" He asked again, this time his eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint. The man knew what he was doing to her.

Months ago, this was the very woman who boldly spoke into his face without knowing who he was. It was quite entertaining to see her dumbfounded and pinned under his body.

Entertainment would be an understatement but for her own sake, he chose to stick to his decision of warming her up__ an earnest responsibility as her husband.
The teasing will surely come later.

"No. I feel better now." She finally found her tongue.

" Alhamdulillah!" Zayn praised and adjusted their bodies in a way that she was engulfed in his embrace.

" Thank you, zayn." She muttered softly. Zayn only hummed in response, with his eyes closed.

Apart from clearly being teased by him a moment ago, being in his embrace was quite comforting.

Not to talk about his signature scent that always announces his presence.

" Goodnight."

" Goodnight, wife."

These very details.


Yet again, he found himself walking through those very familiar corridors. Except that this time, his hands weren't restricted at his back with a pair of handcuffs.
Neither was his demeanor cowered upon by so-called prison guards. He walked as if he owned the place.
Well, sort of.

His hands were tucked in his pockets, as he took one step at a time. His footsteps echoed within the dimly lit corridors.

Most of the people in their cells gazed at him as he walked past them. They were wondering why on earth, on his own accord, did he return to 'hell earth,
after being released way before his time.

He rewarded those who chose to greet him with a light nod. To those he was very familiar with, he replied with a small salute, made with only his middle and index fingers.

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