Chapter 26- Calm before the storm

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Since the day it was confirmed that Sa'eed had fled from the country, eyes have never left the borders. Arrangements had been made in a way that they will be notified as soon as he stepped foot in Nigeria__ just like a landmine will blow off when stepped on.
If was also made clear that he wouldn't take long before he returns to the country because that was where he had made a life for himself. His dealings and whatnot took place right there.

Now, he has returned thinking Zayn has given up searching for him after months. Albeit, he was wrong.
For the time being, the security agents that were assigned to his task chose to seem laid back. They wanted him to believe that he owns the situation. Soon enough, he will start to spread his dark malicious wings, and they will get clipped forever.

Eskander heaved a content sigh when he saw Sara approach him. She wore a blue and white floral dress, with her hijab loosely draped around her head.

" Yaa illahi, make this woman mine." He prayed silently and then tore his gaze from her approaching figure. He has taken in enough for now__ perhaps, not.

It all started with one hilarious decision he had made. It wasn't hilarious per say, but__ he built a partnership with her family's restaurant, just to have them open a permanent branch in his hotel. It was a collaboration to offer catering services to his hotel. It took a little bit of trouble to get her posted to the branch as the sole manager, though it was all worth it.

With that achieved, they picked up with baby steps that started with short conversations which aggravated to staying up late to talk to each other. Gifts and little acts of services were exchanged, occupational supports and many more.
At a point in time, the rate at which everything aggravated seemed so scary. He found himself falling so deep, he didn't want to climb up. He liked it there.

" Hey SK," She waved when she reached up to him.

Another nickname?
He will tie it around his head like a turban, and will never get tired of it.

" Sara." That was all he could manage to utter.

He pushed himself off the car he had been leaning on, and opened the door to the back seat for her.

" At your service, ma'am." He said playfully with a slight bow.

The only thing that came between Sara and her new supposed employed driver, Eskander, was a salary. He was honoured to do it for free.

" Abeg, drop that act." She laughed, filing into the car.

This man never fails to amaze her. He never does. She reached out for a bunch of flowers that were in the front seat of the car. Those were for her, just like always. Chrysanthemums and daises.

" You really know how to find what's yours." Eskander's commented while settling into the car. How he wished she understood the hidden meaning of his words.

Sara, who had just clicked a few pictures of the flowers, raised her head to look at his reflection through the rearview mirror.

" I do." She agreed with an adorable pout and proceeded to type something on her phone, while the flowers were safely tucked in her arms.
After a while, she slid the device into her bag and shifted her attention to the flowers. She would cherish them more if she knew the amount of money he and Zayn spend to get flowers for her and her best friend.

Just like every other bouquet, she posted a well angled picture of the flowers on her Instagram story. With every post, she tagged him and expressed her gratitude.

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