Chapter 16- Those eyes

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Truth be told,life in the palace was going on pretty well for Mariya. She associates herself with people who without doubt, accept and and cherish her as a new member of the family.
Life in general,comes with trials of various intensity. It's always one trial after the other. There's never a break from the cycle. Never. It's either a trial to see how grateful one can be during good times or how long one can uphold his or her patience during difficult times.
Well,it all depends on faith.
Each and every trial doesn't pass away without leaving a trace of it's prior existence. Be it good memories or nasty scars. For now, she's going through a good phase of her life.
Bad times will come, that's for sure. So,for now she'll just enjoy the quality time she's having with her new family while it lasts.

Leaving all those thoughts behind, she shifted her attention to Yasmeen who was being a chatter box while they were taking a stroll in the garden with Nazeera, Emraan's wife.
Nazeera's warm laughter filled the air when Yasmeen told a funny joke.
Mariya only chuckled. She cherished such moments so much.

" I'll never get tired of your jokes, Yasmeen." Nazeera laughed again.

" I must say,I like this garden." Mariya confessed, taking a brief glance at the flower garden. " It's so beautiful."

" It should. My mother invests a lot in this garden." Yasmeen boasted with a little bit of pride and then handed a chrysanthemum she had plucked to Mariya. " This is for the compliment."

" Thank you." Mariya received the delicate flower with a smile.

Not far from where they were standing,there was a swing that was situated right in the middle of the haven. It had its own roof, right overhead. The swing had green plants, creeping up its support ropes. One could see a few yellow blossoms,blooming out of the greenery.

Mariya was the first to rush to it because she was enchanted by its beauty. She made her self comfortable on the swing and the two other women joined her afterwards.
For some reason,none of the women uttered a single word. They sat in the silence, enjoying each other's company, without any awkwardness. It was comfortable but it would have been much better without the audible chatter of a few palace maids who were working on a flower bed.

" Haven't you heard what's going on?" One asked . Her question seemed to have aroused some sort of curiosity within the two other people she was working with.

" What did you hear again? Queen of gossips." Another sneered.

Looks like someone is stuck with bad habit.

Unknown to them,three pairs of ears were well aware of their conversation.

" Don't get us into trouble again with your gossips." The third of them warned sternly.

" I bet this one is authentic. Rumour has it that crown prince Zayn married his current wife as compensation." She announced.
" Compensation?" The two others asked in unison. Their curiosity had gotten the best of them.
" Yes. A compensation for her broken engagement with his cousin." She added,much to the satisfaction of their itchy ears.

Mariya only sighed in exasperation and shook her head. For Allah's sake,how can someone sit down and device such lies and spread them. For what reason? Whoever started the rumour should have known how destructive such rumours can be. It contains no ounce of truth in it. It's pure balderdash!
Totally absurd!

" Poor woman." The second maid lamented." She must be going through a lot."

Yasmeen was about to give them a piece of her mind. Surprisingly,none of the maids had taken notice of the presence of the three women because they were too engrossed in their idle talk.
She jerked up from the swing with a very effective remedy in mind but Mariya was quick to grab her arm.
Yasmeen halted due to the sudden action. She turned to look at Mariya who maintained a tight grip around her arm.
Mariya shook her head, signalling her to abort the idea.
She sat back reluctantly, wondering why Mariya would let such things slide away so easily.

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