Chapter 18- Arcane

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     This particular chapter is dedicated to all my wonderful readers out there. 🥰❤️




All this wouldn't have been possible without the cute little words of motivation you guys slip through my dm.
   And the comments too, though they seem a bit nonexistent these days. I miss them__  honestly. Keep them flowing.

     To all the aspiring writers out there;  I know it's difficult, especially those in school. Balancing school assignments and working hard to meet your expectations is quite a heavy cross to carry. However, you chose this path. Have you ever had an experience where you decide to quit writing but several ideas keep bugging you??
That's the spirit. Keep going 😊. It is difficult, not impossible. If you do not, the ideas will keep on eating your brains.

   Una don turn me into a motivational speaker😂

    I present to you, your long-awaited chapter update...

           She looked so peaceful and innocent as she slept as if she was not the same person who had scolded him a few hours ago, for reaching home late. It reminded him of their first meeting at his brother's law firm.
    After his visit to the cemetery, he had come home to meet her pacing through the huge hall, worriedly. It was the same with him when she got abducted from their wedding venue. As odd as it sounded, it was quite elating to know that his absence from home, at such an hour makes her worry.It was an exceptional sentiment.

   It is normal to feel as such, right?

  He was able to get away with his tardiness, after receiving an earful from her, ranting about how apprehensive she had been. She calmed down a bit when he told her that his car broke down out of nowhere and it took quite a lot of time to get it repaired.

   It wasn't a plausible fallacy but she had let it slide. Truth be told, he missed those nostalgic days when his mother used to scold him and Eskander for reaching home late from school.

    Mariya had told him that she was uneasy because she thought something had happened to him, hence, the reason he seemed to be nowhere near home.
He had convinced her that nothing else happened on his way home. Regardless, her intuitions were authentic.


      A few hours ago,

     The metal gates of the cemetery screeched loudly as Zayn pushed them open. He took a last glance at the graveyard behind him, keeping in mind that, a time will come when he would end up at such a place__ six feet under the ground. Just like the others.
Shaking all those thoughts away, he walked towards his car, which was parked only a few yards away. He walked to the vehicle and was about to open it when he heard a voice behind him, making him halt abruptly.
   He loosened his grip on the door's handle.

    " Hands up!" the gruff manly voice yelled at him. " Raise your hands! And don't try to act smart."
  That was to render Zayn harmless, just in case he's got some tricks up his sleeves.

  ' Was that a threat?'

     Judging from how loud the voice was, he could assume that there was barely a reasonable distance between the two of them.
Must have been the one who was playing pranks on him back inside the cemetery.
Whoever it was must be a coward, for attacking him from behind.

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