Chapter 21- Surprises

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     Oh no!

    His eyes widened in utter shock as she stared at the intruder. Mariya took notice of his state and turned to see what had drawn his attention from their heated argument.
   There and then, her gaze met that of the person, from whom she had tried so hard to hide the issue.
Mariya quickly pivoted her head to look at her husband, whose expression mirrored hers.

    " You two owe me an explanation. Yanzun Nan!"

   Yaa Illahi!

   The couple shared one last look before casting their gaze on the figure in front of them.

How did he even get inside the mansion in the first place, Zayn wondered.

   " I see... " He dragged the last word as he strode towards them with his hands tucked in his pockets. " Mariya, you are that victim of assault, whose culprit had threatened to eliminate her family if she testified against him?" Fareed questioned, although he knew the answer to his inquiry. He only wanted to hear it from her mouth.

      Mariya only stared at her brother, who was staring back at her, intently. He was enraged and it was evident in his demeanor. She dreaded the day he would find out the truth, and the day has come.
At least, she has saved herself from the excruciating experience of revealing the incident to him directly. She knew that she would eventually have to tell him about it.

   " How did you get in here?" Zayn inquired in an effortless attempt to distract Fareed, even if it were to be for a microsecond.

  " You thought it was best to conceal this from us? For how long were you planning on going on like this?" Fareed questioned his sister, completely ignoring Zayn's feeble attempt. He only stared at her in disbelief.
   When did his baby sister grow this much? She thought she could go through all this alone. He wondered how hard that must have been for her. And that Hassan, unless he doesn't get a hold of him. He'll ignore the fact that he's coming from the royal family and deal with him accordingly. He looked at Mariya whose eyes were now filled to the brim with salty tears, that would fall if she blinked. They stung her eyes and her throat burned. She was afraid that he would take some decisions, without knowing the consequences.

   " I asked you a question, Mariya." Fareed gritted out in an attempt to not vent his built-up anger on her. Not even the least.

    All the anger he harboured in him evaporated into thin air when he heard a sob escape her lips. Before he could reach out to her, Zayn had already enveloped her in his warm embrace.
Normally, he was the one whose shirts got soaked with her tears anytime she was facing a problem but this time, it was Zayn's shirt that soaked as let out her barely audible sobs. That was when he realized that he had lost his sister to Zayn, her life partner. Albeit, it served as an assurance that his sister is in the right hands.

    He silently watched as Zayn whispered some words into her ears, as her head lay on his chest. He need not know what was being whispered, but it seemed to work like magic. She nodded a few times and finally raised her head to meet her husband's gaze. Zayn cupped her face in his hands and wiped her tear-stained face with his thumbs. He said something to her that made her lips split into a smile.

    Fareed fought the urge to roll his eyes at them. Have they forgotten about him already? Although, he was glad that his sister has found herself a comforter.
   He insisted that Mariya tells him the reason why she chose to conceal her incident with Hassan from their family. It was quite a great ordeal for her, so Zayn had to step in. How he rescued get from Hassan's blasphemous acts, His devious threats, their deals, and Zayn's promises to her. According to him, these explain the anonymous increase of security at their residence and Mariya's late-night calls with Zayn. He also found out that Ayoola's charade was a scheme by Zayn to get her engagement with Hassan cancelled.
   At the moment, only Allah can save Hassan from his wrath. On top of cheating on her even before marriage, he had the audacity to sexually assault her.

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