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It has been a long journey with this story, starting in November 2022.
From Aida and Saratu who had inspired me to publish this, to the very last ghost reader who is reading this at the moment, I want to express my utmost gratitude to y'all.

Nagode sosai.

Special thanks to krystiiii and Beryl. these two kept me going with every chapter. Although one of them takes a decade to read one draft, we've still gotten to the end of this. Brace yourself for the next story though.

This is to exckkcxe. ❤️


Iamsassyxbarbie the one who listens to my endless rants about my books. Don't get tired yet. In fact, borrow two more ears.

For the last, don't forget to vote, comment, and share. You can reach out to me on Instagram @maizongosara.

I have an announcement!

I'll be releasing the prequel to this book next week. You'll see the start of it right after this, so make sure to save it in your libraries. Thank you 😌.

Till then, I leave you with Latifahefua.

Hurry up and read her stories so we can talk about it. Fall in love with the neurosurgeon named Mahmud Muhammad and let's talk about him. Please 🥺.

Till then, see you all. ❤️🤧

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