Chapter 32- Our angel

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Zayn and Mariya had retired from Fareed's graduation after-party not long ago. It was a wholesome event. Now back home in the confines of their bedroom, Mariya sat on a chaise lounge by the window that overlooked the compound below. Zayn's MacBook rested on her lap as she scrolled through their wedding pictures. She would never get tired of watching them.
The picture she liked the most was a black and white picture of her and Zayn that was captured during the first dance of their wedding reception.
They gazed softly at each other, beaming with smiles that promised forever.
Mariya subconsciously grinned sheepishly as she made a mental note to get the picture framed.
She exited the tab and clicked on Google to make a quick search, but Zayn's search history caught her eye.
Her grin deepened as she read them. They were all about pregnancy and its do's and don'ts. It was heartwarming to find out that he has educated himself enough on the concept of pregnancy to cope with the changes that come with it.
What more could she ask for?

" Who's got yours smiling like that?" Zayn asked as he walked towards her, clad in a pair of black Bermuda shorts and a gray t-shirt. She had been too caught up to notice the moment he had gotten out of the walk-in closet.

" Who else if not my husband?" She questioned the obvious, setting the MacBook aside on a coffee table, to make space for him on the chaise lounge. He curled up beside her while his head rested on her lap. Immediately, Mariya's fingers found their way into his thick curls that were overgrown.
She wondered how good it would feel to have such soft hair, unlike her thick but stubborn kinky hair that was packed and fixed in braids. That was the safest option.
" If our baby comes out with my type of hair, we'll all suffer in this house." She let out her intrusive thoughts.

" The number of combs your hair has broken." Zayn laughed. Helping her comb out her hair was a whole battle on its own. " Sultan said he wants it to be a girl though. I want the same too."

" A girl?" Mariya mused. She thought all those emirs and kings have always wanted an heir to succeed them.

" Yes, a girl," Zayn confirmed, sitting upright to match her posture. " Men. Mariya, men just like women, are an essential pillar to the foundation of success. If a mistake is enacted and this pillar wavers and falls, the whole foundation is going to come crashing down. Hassan is a vivid example. We need to raise more strong women in the family to balance the situation. In our case with Hassan, I should be hoping for a boy but having more women in the family is a necessity. Unfortunately, Nana has left us with that task."

" Wow, such words of wisdom. I like the way you think." Mariya found herself falling deeper.

" Secondly, I want a girl so I can have a mini you," Zayn added

" So you can cheat on me with her, koh?" She playfully eyed him. " Nice try. Now let's get to bed."

Zayn laughed, yet it was such moments that proved his abrupt decision to marry her a good one.
" Not yet. I've got a surprise for you." He got on his feet and led her outside their room.

It didn't take long before they reached their designated spot, where he would show her what he had in store for her. It was just the next room to theirs.
Mariya wondered what Zayn had under his sleeve at the moment.

He twisted the doorknob and open the door to the room. It was all dark until he found the switch and turned it on. Mariya gasped adorably at the sight in front of her. Knowing so, Zayn gave her all the time she needed to scan and register the room.

It used to be one of the Master suites that was converted into a baby's room. A white cot sat just beside the huge windows. Adjacent to it, was a rocking chair in the same colour. A teddy bear and throw pillow coloured in a shade of soft purple rested comfortably on it. The curtains were white and the same shade of purple. So was the rug. Beside the rocking chair, was a cute stool__ a coffee table in terms of adult perspective.
At one side of the room, was a drawer of six compartments. No one needed to be told its use.
Mariya was entranced. She took steady steps into the brightly lit room, her feet automatically taking her to the name plates that were plastered on the white walls, just above the baby's cot.
Baby Khadija and Baby Naseer__ the names they had decided for their baby. They were only waiting to find out the gender, so they could discard one of the names.
The names were framed into a purple background, with the names written in glittery white and cursive handwriting. She traced her fingers against the nameplates.
Generally, the room was white, with a burst of a soft shade of purple here and there.
She didn't know when tears fell from her eyes. She turned to Zayn.
He frowned when he saw the tears in her eyes. He walked up to her and wiped her stained cheeks.

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