Chapter 19- Boundaries

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       Zayn gazed at the petrified figure of his wife. Her face was morphed with an expression that seemed to be fear as she looked back at him. For his wife to look at him with such emotion wasn't what he wanted.
Of course, she's bound to feel as such since she had dared to cross a boundary__ one that he had prohibited her from.

Truth be told, he's infuriated and it is written all over his face but it wasn't directed at her. How can anyone possibly get angry at the sulking figure standing there?

He had carried all that anger from work, due to some incompetent employees.

" I ... I am sorry." She stuttered. " I promise not to come here again."
Saying that she crouched down on the floor and started to pick up the pieces of glass that were scattered on the floor.

Zayn could feel all his built-up anger slowly dissipate as he watched his wife engage in an attempt to clear her mistakes.
Judging by her quivering fingers, it would be best if he doesn't trust her to handle those sharp pieces with ease.

Within a couple of seconds, he made his way toward her and towered over her crouched figure. He went down on one knee, his left hand on one of his knees, and the right extended towards her.

She quickly raised her head to look at him. This time, she was quite astonished. She had expected him to yell at her for disobeying his strict orders or something negative, but not a hand extended to help her on her feet.
His eyes held this glint she couldn't decipher.

Zayn chuckled lightly at the change of expressions on his wife's face. Even surprised himself.

" Drop the pieces of glass. You might hurt yourself. I'll clean it up tomorrow." He prompted when Mariya didn't budge.

" I'm almost done." She uttered and continued to pick up the edgy pieces.

He stared at her for a short while, wondering how a person can so stubborn for her own good. It's best if he adopts another mechanism to get her to stop what she's doing.

" Mariya," He called her name with a little bit of sternness in his voice. Albeit, the look on his face said otherwise." Let's go" he nagged." I'll get this done tomorrow."

" If you insist."

She placed the glasses she had gathered in a safe corner and placed her hand in Zayn's extended ones.
Tightening his hold around her hand, he helped her get onto her feet.

Hand in hand, they walked to their bedroom, with Mariya questioning Zayn for coming home late, yet again.


They lay in bed facing each other,
with a little distance between them. Eyes unblinking, they stared into each other's souls, through the eyes, searching for something they couldn't decipher.

His eyes hold a tale that should remain arcane to her yet a curious little devil in her house wants to uncover the mystery.
It's a tale of a broken man in dire need of an impenetrable adhesive to mend his heart, yet he believes he isn't worth it.

She had wanted to question him regarding the woman in the picture she had broken but she thought better.

None of them spoke a word. The room was filled with utmost silence. Just staring at each other seemingly fits the atmosphere.

From under the duvet they had covered themselves with, Zayn brought out a hand and rested it gently on her cheek. He went ahead and caressed her cheek with his thumb, while the rest of his fingers lightly covered the nape of the neck.
He couldn't resist the urge to keep his hands in check.

Mariya slowly shut her eyes for a moment and exhaled softly. Only if he knew what he was doing to her.
The man is bold.

" Aren't you sleepy?" He asked out of the blue. Normally, this little owl of his would sleep before 10 pm. She doesn't mess with her beauty sleep, as she calls it and it's almost 1 am.

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