Chapter 13- How far?

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    "After all that you've done, it'll be only right if I consider you a blatant fool!" Hassan flared into the phone, banging his fist on the table he was sitting behind,in his study.
The person at the other end of the phone line had to distant the phone he was holding from his poor ear.

   The response he got from Hassan with regards to the news he had just delivered is quite discouraging.
He got Mariya abducted from Eskander's heavily secured hotel,right under the nose of many influential people,only to receive an enraged screech in reward.

   Quite disheartening,albeit,he won't let that waver his cause. The results of his actions will be worth it.

    " Wise up!Hassan, I know abducting his wife wasn't part of the plan but we'll get what we want at the expense of his wife's life. Think it through." He man explained.

   Hassan fought the urge to crash the wine glass that rested in his other hand, against the walls of his study, from where he sat, behind the huge rosewood desk.
He had left the walima about two hours ago because he couldn't pretend as if he was happy with everything that was going on. Putting on a fake smile while exchanging pleasantries with people, not to talk about the nosy people who kept asking him about his broken engagement with Mariya,as if he was happy with Mariya and Zayn's wedding.

   Do they expect that much from him? It's all a facade in this world of many faces. They should know better.

  " Guy,I don't agree with this. Just drop her back at the hotel while she's still unconscious, before her absence is noted." Hassan suggested." Zayn will not take it easy on us if he finds out."
  Just two hours and a lot has happened.

   The plan was perfect but the timing is absolutely wrong. And timing __ it's everything. Miss a second and you won't get another chance.

    " I didn't ask for your consent." The man deadpanned."I'll do what I deem right. Just sit and watch how she'll lead us to our target. She's just a bait to our success."

    According to Hassan,this guy is particularly parallel to the right path. Hassan was lucky enough to get someone who yearns to see Zayn's downfall but turns out he's a jerk. Using Zayn's wife to get what he wants from Zayn? Bad decision. He's going to get hunted down if Zayn finds out.

   He didn't sign up for this.

"You only will bear the consequences if this plan goes wrong.", Came Hassan's voice from the other end of the line.

   " Watch me succeed." He stated before hanging up the call on Hassan. He's sure Hassan has just crashed the screen of his phone by throwing it away callously,out of anger.
He smirked.

     The man who had just finished talking to Hassan on the phone,drifted  his eyes back onto the all dolled up bride, lying unconscious in a couch,situated in a modern furnished office, somewhere in Nigeria.

  Oops! GPS malfunction. Exact location not known.

  Sliding his phone back into his pocket,he walked towards the unconscious bride and crouched low to her level. He's well aware of the fact that,the security service in Kano has run wild, searching high and low,for their crown prince's newly wedded bride.

  Little do they know.

   He brought up a hand to her face, caressing her cheeks softly with the back of his hand. Why does Zayn have to be this much lucky? He ended an old chapter of his life and started another one, only to be blessed with a beautiful wife like Mariya. The woman was truly beautiful and from what he's heard from the media, she's the type of beauty with brains.

    She looks so peaceful and innocent, and Zayn doesn't deserve this much peace, when he's made his life a living hell. He means no harm against Mariya but unfortunately, she's the only way to get what he wants. Even in her unconscious state, she's a bait that can fetch him a big catch.

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