Chapter 46- Brighter side.

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Sultan Lawal and Zayn walked side by side as they filed out of the council meeting room at the palace. They strode down the hallway, deeply in conversation regarding the matters they had just discussed with the council. The council was made aware of Sultan's condition, so they had to put a few things in place, especially, regarding the socio-economic progress of the youth in the sultanate.
The year seemed to be ending on a good note, and there was nothing better than it.
Sultan's health wasn't getting better by the day. It was more like a static mess, and the family never failed to be grateful for the days spent with him, praying for more of those blissful days.
Behind them, more of the members of the council walked out of the room, clearly in discussion of the same agenda.
They walked in perfect sync. Grace and majesty exuded from their demeanor. Although Zayn was the male version of his mother, he was passed down his father's poise.
They took a turn down the hallway and headed to the garage. Mama Aisha and Sultan were to leave for Makkah right away. They would be there for a while before moving to Madina. Zayn and Mariya were set to leave for Morocco a few days later.
At the garage, they spotted Emraan's car, right beside what seemed to be Hamza's car. Emraan leaned against his car as he waited for them. He was the one to drive them to the airport. Their luggage was already packed in the trunk of the car, and Mama Aisha was seated in the car with Ameer. All they had been waiting for, was for Zayn and Sultan to wrap up with the meeting.

" Thank God," Emraan spoke when they were within earshot. " I was just about to take off without you." He directed at his father, more like a joke. He feared his mother's wrath that much to make such jokes with her.
Sultan only shot him a glare as he made for the passenger seat. Emraan himself knew the consequences of that.
He pushed himself off the car's hood and slid into the driver's seat.
Zayn also opened the backseat, where his mother was seated with Ameer, and made himself comfortable. Ameer immediately jumped onto his lap. He was received warmly.

" Let's get going koh?" Mama Aisha prompted when they were all settled.

" Of course, I don't plan on ruining your getaway." He chipped in.

" At least, not this one," Zayn added, and he was chastised with a slap on his arm from his mother.
" Mama!" He winced in pain. It has been long since he got hit by her, and it was really painful.

She glared at him.
" Mu je!"
He wasn't even the one driving the car.

Taking that as a cue from his mother, Emraan sparked the engine to life, and smoothly veered it out of the palace, heading to Mallam Aminu Kano International Airport.
The custom procedures were as smooth as ever, without compromising on privacy.

Their flight took off at approximately 3:10 p.m.
Through the terminal window, the brothers gazed at the aircraft until it was out of sight. Ameer was not done waving yet. Zayn had to hold his hand down before he got the cue.

Emraan slid his hands into the pockets of his kaftan, letting out a shaky breath. Zayn turned to him.
" I'm scared," Emraan conceded. His forehead was marred with a slight crease. He feared that would be the last time he would set his eyes on his father. Their father was doing his best to uplift their spirits, but it was barely effective.

" I am too." Zayn countered, handing Ameer to his father. " We can only hope for the best."

Emraan nodded. He drew in another breath before speaking. " What's next?" He asked.

" What's next is that you are going to drop me home." He replied. When Zayn was close enough, he threw his arm over Emraan's shoulder as a sign of assurance.
In no time, they were out of the airport, heading to Zayn's house.

A vacation awaited him in Morocco too.


Haseeb let out a small breath after killing the engine of his car. His current location was his grandfather's house at Hadejia Road which had been passed down to his father. He rarely ever visited the house unless it was really urgent. Truth be told, the house was really beautiful, having it that his father had renovated the house completely, incorporating more modern essence to the house. Calling it a house would be an understatement.
He deemed it right that it was time to take things forward with the woman he loved the most, besides his late sister. He had made his feelings and intentions known to her, not caring if things went south or not. He knew that he had to do it, lest he would have died of sorrow. It took her a few days to open up to him, and it made him the happiest man in the world at that moment.
It was time to introduce her to his family. As for his family, the argument he had had with them regarding Khayra created a rift between them. He didn't want to forgive them, and it had him in a chokehold. He opened up to Sayida, and he marvelled at the wisdom the woman haboured. Things were quite smooth between them now, and to make it better, Sayida suggested that she got to be familiar with his family too. He couldn't deny her.

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