Giving it back - Part 21

Start from the beginning

"I think we should throw a party to sign this deal that way all our employees who worked hard for this project will be able to join us and we can also call media." SP Kundrra suggested everyone and everyone agrees for the party.

"But where do you think we should throw this party." Karan asks his father.

"Our home" He replies.

Everybody agrees and they fixed coming Saturday for the party.

After the conference, SP Kundrra and his team walk out of the conference room. Teju is gathering all her stuff. Karan, Umar, Nishant and Omi still there in the conference room.

Omi goes up to Teju and say, "You give an amazing presentation, and I am very impressed."

"Thank you Omi, even you were amazing." Teju complimented Omi.

"But I thought you didn't like my presentation that's why you asked so many questions." Omi says to Teju.

"No not at all, in fact, your presentation was so good that I had all those questions genuinely. I was thinking why I didn't think about all those points before, so actually congratulation that you highlighted everything in the presentation, which is going to be benefitted for both the companies." Teju explains.

"Thank you "Omi replies with smile and walks out.

Now it's only Teju, Karan, Nishant and Umar there in the conference room.

Umar walks up to Teju and says, "I know what you're trying to do. You are purposely trying to put us down in front of Kundrra Uncle. Are you taking revenge from us?"

Teju smiles at him and very calmly replies to him, "I'm doing nothing Mr. Riaz. I'm just doing my job. I hope you just heard me talking to your manager and I told him that the presentation was good. That is why I had so many questions, so what's wrong in it. And if you're talking about the revenge then I'm not here to play the games. I'm just here to work."

Nishant listens to her and says, "OK we got your point, but we just want to make sure that whatever happened between us that should not affect our work."

"You don't even need to mention that" Teju says while collecting files from the table.

As she was about to leave, Umar asks her, "Why did you join this company? There are lots of company that you could have joined, but why our company?"

Teju replies, "First thing, this is not your company. This company belongs to Mr. SP Kundrra. I know you all are related to him but still it's not your company and second, I wasn't even aware that you all are related to Kundrra's otherwise I would have never joined this company. And don't worry I will never tell Mr. Kundrra about whatever happened between us."

"Are you trying to sympathize with us by not telling Kundrra Uncle? Do you know if I want I can get you fired from here? And are you trying to show us that you're very strong and all this doesn't affect you?" Umar says to Teju.

Teju smirks at Umar while folding her arms and says, "I am not here to prove anything. I am here to work. What do all think of me that I didn't understand what and why you all have planned against me? If I want I can tell Mr. SP Kundrra everything and as much as get to know him in 10 days, he will support me. But I would not do that you know why? Because it was my mistake too that I trusted your friend (while looking at Karan) so easily and let him ruin my life. Now I won't allow anyone of you to do anything bad to me. I am challenging you Mr. Raiz, get me fired if you can. And you are asking me if I was affect or not then let me boost your male ego, yes I was hurt, yes I cried a lot and yes I was broken but you know how I am standing here today? Because your friend didn't even give a reason and just walked away. If it was so easy for him to walk away then why the hell I would let that one night ruin my life and future (she said all that while looking directly in Karan's eyes). I have moved on, when will you all move on? I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm not going to quit this job. I am here because of my own hard work so I won't let anybody take that away from me."

"Why don't you talk directly to Karan." Umar questions her as Teju was still looking at Karan.

"Because he doesn't even deserve my anger. And also Mr. Raiz if possible then please tell the whole truth to your friend. BTW, I don't care Sirrr. Teju says to Umar with full confidence

Umar was about to say something to Teju When Karan shouts at him.

"Umar, stop this nonsense." Karan shouted at Umar and that made Umar mad and left the conference room immediately.

Karan goes near to Teju and says, "Teju, can we talk please?"

"It's Tejasswi for you Sir, not Teju and I do not want to talk about anything personal. It is better if we don't cross each other way and mind our own businesses." Teju replied to Karan.

After saying all that she walks out while holding her tears. Teju held herself strong in front of them but only she knew how she controlled her emotions. Karan felt her pain. Her voice was enough to show how badly she was hurt. Karan wanted to talk to her, but he didn't even have anything to say to her because he knew that he's the only reason behind her pain.

Precap- Dinner with Team. Team tries to get to know each other. Question Answer game

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