Chapter 60: Antonio is one in a million

Start from the beginning

Well, as for the drive, that's perfectly true. I slept in my car throughout the night. But as for doing it because I felt like, that was a motherfucking lie.

After hearing everything that woman had told us about mother. I came to really understand why mother had to leave and in as much as I hate to admit it, it sapped all the anger And hatred I'd harbour for mother. No scratch that, I couldn't contain the guilt that consumed me after all the ill things I've said about mother.

I Didn't know that the asshole I ever regarded as a father was the reason why mother have to leave.

Hell, All these while I've been hating an innocent woman who've done nothing but love her children.

If I'm ask to make a wish right now, I want to turn back times so I can correct all my errors against mother.
Going through a whale of emotions last night, I felt so devastated. The temptation to break down into tears and be a total wreck was so unbearable but I couldn't just stay at home. So I'd to leave as soon as I let Antonio's room.

I didn't tell anyone about my whereabouts and I made sure none of my siblings saw me.

I needed my time alone.

Aimlessly, I drove my car around the city to clear my head. I remembered how I'd Literally flew on the road not giving a care whether I ended up dying on not.

Besides if dying would be the price I'll pay for the ill words and hate I've harbored for mother then I would have willing payed. The more I had tried to clear my head the more I thought about mother and the worst part was that I couldn't apologize to her.

I had never believed that loosing mother would hurt this much. Hell it hurts so much and even right now, I could still feel the sting in the embers of my heart.

However I can't admit that to Anyone especially to Antonio.

I'd be an hypocrite and look stupid after all the time I'd proven to hate mother. 

Beside I also don't want to give Antonio the satisfaction that he'd been right all along.
"I do know you didn't just decide to go on a drive because you felt like but I wouldn't push things further. At least the Good thing is you came back home safely. Just be careful" Antonio finally said with a smile.

Seriously what does this guy take me for? A baby?

"Of course I have always been and can always take care of myself Antonio." I forced myself not to yell making my veins pop.
"You should focus on yourself. Especially these period. You need more comfort than I do..." that was seriously right.

"I Don't want to remind you how a junkie you was yesterday." I said.

Though I didn't really intended to spite him but I just hate when he tries to treat me as a kid and be intrusive.

Antonio's face reddened in rage but he Clench his fist to hold back his anger. "I'd rise past that jayden." He groaned trying so hard to be calm.

"If you can then I can too." I said and then I sighed. "If you came because of that then please leave."

"Well, Partially.  I also came for us to discuss Mother's burial.  I want us as the elders to discuss it before involving our siblings. We will need to give an official burial." Antonio said on a serious note as he went back to norma.

The thought of burial suddenly made me Sick. Can't believe he's talking about burying our mother.

"We need the rest of our siblings to be present in that discussion because it involves everyone of us" I dismissed the suggestion and Antonio didn't push further. He nodded in agreement and eventually left.

THE DE' COSTA Twins ~ Book 1 (currently editting...) Where stories live. Discover now