Chapter 26: Death

Start from the beginning


''Bye Baby Girl'' Cato says affectionatly. He gently kisses my lips. ''Be careful'' he warns me.

''I will, see you later'' I reply. ''Bye'' he says and then runs off into the forest with Marvel.

I walk over to Rayna, who is lying on her back looking up at the clouds. I sit cross-legged next to her. She sits up, pain visable on her face.

''I think there's some painkillers over there, want one?''. ''Nah, I'm fine''

I pull down my hair and play with it.

''Is your hair naturally wavy?" Rayna asks. ''Only slightly'' I reply.

''Its so pretty, in district four all the girls hair is either bonde or sandy and either curly or wavy, mines straight and black. I hate it'' she complains

''I like it'' I simply state.

''You know who's hair I like? Annie Cresta, beautiful girl, shory, wavy, fiery red hair. Such a pity she went insame, thinks she's coming out of it now''

''Yeah, she's beautiful'' I say jelousy clear in my voice

''Rumor is, that Annie and Finnick Odair, you know Finnick, he won the games ten years ago, well rumor has it there dating. Cute eh?"

''Yeah cut'' I say still jelous of Annie's hair.


''I-im finished the mines'' Honnu calls. He's been at it all morning. Rayna and I walk-well I limp over my ankle- over to him.

The supplies are in a large pyramid.

''Mines go all around the pyramid, one step and ypur blown to bits, not possible to steal anything''

''WHAT!!!" I shriek. Rayna covers her ears with her hands.

''Unless you know how to get there'' Honnu replies smuggly.

After watching him a couple of times, we got it and can now get the supplies.


The boys return around six with two rabbits. As I cook them, Honnu teachs them to get the supplies. Once the rabbits are cooked, I call everyone.

Cato and I share a rabbit, so does Rayna and Marvel. I look at Honnu.

''Want some?" I ask.

''Its fine I'm a vegitarian'' he replies

''Get some trail mix'' I call. He nods.

''Anything interesting happen today?"

''We tracked that crippled boy from ten today, he must have heard us, we couldn't find him, so tomorrow ye can come with us,we'll split up, so ye two girls will be with each other, we'll try and corner him'' Marvel says. I look at Cato. He nods.

''What about ye?" Marvel asks.

''Well we found out that Clove is extreamly jelous of Annie Cresta's hair'' Rayna smiles. I scowl at her. Cato chuckles.

''Well Marvel walked head first into a tree, so yours isn't that bad'' Cato chuckles as I burst out laughing. I continue to eat my rabbit, which is so much better then trail mix.


5 August 3113 (7th day in arena)


I wake in Cato's arms. I smile. I kiss him gently on the lips until he wakes.

''Morning sleepy'' I mock him.

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