Safety and Confessions?

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The next morning, rumors had already flooded the Great Hall for breakfast, and truthfully, Venus was too tired to deal with it. She walked into the Hall and b-lined directly to her table, burying her head into an advanced elemental magic book.

"Draco did you hear what Venus did last night?"

The Slytherin boy swallowed thickly, not knowing where the sentence was going.


"She chased down Sirius Black!"

"Oh alright- SHE WHAT?!"

"Venus! Are you ok?!" Draco cried, slamming his hands on the table in front of her.

"Draco? Yeah, I'm fine-"

She was more than surprised when he enveloped her in a hug.

"Don't ever do that again."

"Draco I'm an ice witch, I can take care of myself."

"Still. Potter at death's call is one thing, you, I am not willing to risk."

Venus looked at him exasperatedly but was surprised he would have such a reaction to her safety.

"I'm fine Draco, he got away so I failed anyways."

The blonde boy took her hands and shook them harshly.

"You Venus Snow, are no failure, you are a learner and adapter. You'll be stronger next time, but there won't be a next time because you're not doing something that risky again."

He clarified quickly before he encouraged her to be reckless.

The ravenette smiled at him and pulled her hands away.

"Thank you Draco, now I should really get going to my Ancient Runes class, I have an exam today."

"I'll walk you." He said, taking her leather bag in his arm and offering her a hand to stand up. Her eyes widened but quickly relaxed into a smile as she accepted his hand and they walked. Approaching the doorway to her classroom, Draco handed Venus her bag and they smiled at each other.

"Good luck, not that you'll need it."

"Thank you."

And with that the Slytherin boy walked away leaving Venus to ace her exam. A few days went by and everything seemed normal other than the intense security imposed by the Hogwarts staff. Willow came running up to her one morning so she assumed all was right with the world before then.

"I need your help!"

"With what? Transfiguration again?" Venus inquired, putting down her book into her navy pleated lap.

"Tomorrow is Valentine's day!"

"Already? Oh, I should send a letter to my parents."

"I want to tell Ethan I like him!"

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