Christmas Surprise

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Though the ordeal had broken some long standing tension between the two, Venus still avoided and ignored the boy like a troll under a bridge. It became easier though, once a student became petrified and quidditch was cancelled, causing all of the Ravenclaw girl's free time to be eaten up by comforting her best friend.

Venus grabbed her violin and sat down in the near empty Great Hall. It was the day before everyone left for holiday break and she was sitting in a small group of her friends at their request she play a Christmas song.

"What's going on here?" Fred Weasley asked going up behind her.

"A concert?" George said, appearing at her other side.

"From the lovely Venus? Do go on." The twins encouraged, sitting down.

Venus giggled and strummed the instrument, singing a note to tune it.

"I thought you only played ukulele?"

"I play most string instruments, they are the most fun." She said with a smile, sliding her bow across the strings, creating a noise. "Ok. Ready?"

Venus stood up and took off her cloak, revealing the red dress beneath and got playful wolf whistles from the twins. She put her violin on her shoulder and started to play. It was upbeat and playful as she walked around the table.

"Your a mean one...Mr.Grinch. You really are a Heeeellll. Your as cuddly as a cactus-" she nudged Willow and scooted to the side, elbowing Ron. "Your as charming as an eel, Mr.Grinch." she stood abruptly and jumped a bit. "Your a bad banana with a-" she stood at the center of where all of the tables were divided into sections. "Greasy black peeeeell."

People from around started watching her as she danced around the hall.

"Your a monster, Mr.Grinch.'' She played a wonky sound on the violin for some comedic effect. "Your hearts an empty hoooole." She stared at the Slytherin table and whipped her head back to her friends. She tapped on Fred's head with the bow of the violin. "Your brain is full of spiders-" she tapped on George's head. "You've got garlic in your soul, Mr.Grinch..."

Venus played her violin elegantly, making the sound echo through the hall. She picked up the tune again and walked around. She went up behind Hermione and nudged her arm.

"Your a vile one, Mr.Grinch." she slid over to Ethan. "You have termites in your smile."

She sat next to Harry and tapped his nose with her bow. "You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile Mr.Grinch."

Venus looked over at the twins and motioned them both towards her.

"Now given the choice between the two of you I'd take the-"

She quickly scaled her violin. "SEASICK CROCODILE!" She held the 'I' in the note and walked around near to her original seat.The group laughed as she neared the end of her song. "Oooo, seasick crocodile. Oooo."

Venus discretely pointed at the Slytherin table and her friends knew who she talked about when she sang. "The words that best describe you are STINK, STANK, STUNK! Oooo."

Hermione snorted as Venus ended her song. "Stink, stank,stunk, oh oh, Mr.Grinch." She sat down in her original seat and played her violin while still singing. "Oooo, Mr.Grinch."

The group and most of the Hall applauded, including some of the staff that was eating a snack at their table. Venus flushed in embarrassment.

"Oh my god I just did that." She whispered, clutching onto Willow.

"Girl that was AMAZING!"

"Encore, encore!"


Her friends agreed and they all drank their steamy drinks and talked until curfew.

Later, she was walking back to Ravenclaw tower and heard an odd noise coming from one of the halls. Venus turned the corner and felt her skin harden and freeze. She was paralyzed in place by a petrification spell. The groundskeeper Filch found her on the ground and rushed to alert the staff, bursting into the Great Hall.

"Another student has been petrified!" He cried, alarming everyone.

The headmaster stared at him with wide eyes and calmed the commotion with a loud boom of: "Who?"

The hall went silent as everyone waited to hear who it was.

"A girl with long hair, she had a moon necklace."

Willow and Ethan gasped.

"That's Venus!"

The dark skinned girl turned to the boy with tears running down her face and he hugged her tightly. Draco heard the description and immediately stood up.

"No one be alarmed, Mr.Filch, bring some of the teachers and get the student to the infirmary," he instructed. "Prefects, lead your houses to their dorms and stay there until instructed otherwise."

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