Do Ice Witches Fly? No. No They Don't

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Quidditch season had begun that coming month and the much anticipated Gryffindor tryouts were in full swing. Willow had been focused on her own but had made time to see the team in red practice with Venus and Ethan. They cheered when the old team was still reunited after tryouts and remained the best in their fields. Venus still wasn't one for sports, wizarding or muggle, but she valued supporting her friends. She knew the team was about to struggle with their training because it was Oliver Wood's last year, he wanted that cup badly. She joined the team on the pitch with her friends to congratulate them when the conversation shifted to something she was less than pleased with.

"You've never ridden a broom before?" The girl shook her head. Everyone's eyes widened.


"Unheard of!"

The twins cried.

"How? Didn't you get the flying lessons in your first year?" Harry asked her, getting off his broom. Venus smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well...I was exempt because I was working on my ice magic."

"You took private classes?" Hermione gawked. Venus smiled sheepishly and played with her necklace.

"My ice magic is linked to my emotions so unless I want to accidentally freeze the school over, I need to practice using it."

"Fair enough." Ron said. "Do you want to learn how to fly though?"

The girl nodded her head shyly as Harry offered her his broom. She had wanted to learn to fly for a while but her dad wasn't the most athletic and her mother was more of a strategist.

"So sit on it and then just guide it in different directions," he explained.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea guys..." Hermione wared as Venus hovered off the floor, getting a nod from Willow.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Ethan said. "She's cautious so-"

"AAAAHHHH!" Venus yelled as the broom sped off at the smallest lean in the direction of the lake.

"I take that back, VENUS!" He cried.

Venus was trying to guide the broom downward but instead was waving around in the air as she gripped the wood tightly.

She felt her fear build up more and more, unintentionally creating a thin frost on the broom. She started to slip and heard Willow's scream as she hung upside-down from the broom.

"Well, well, what's going on here?" The captain of the Slytherin team asked, strutting onto the field.

"We training a better Seeker, boys?" Marcus Flint laughed, seeing the girl in the air. Draco appeared behind him with the rest of the team and his eyes widened as he saw the girl in the air.

"Who let her up there?! She doesn't know how to ride a broom!" He cried, immediately mounting up and flying into the air to assist the girl.

"Venus!" He cried, stopping beside her and helping her get back onto the broom. "Here, grab my hand!"

"Go away Draco!" she cried, trembling. "I don't need your help!"

The truth is she did need his help, but if her magic became unstable from her fear then she could hurt the boy. She didn't want to take that risk. Her pride was also being stubborn.

"Venus! I don't care about why you're mad at me! You can be mad all you want when you're on the ground and safe!"

"Fine!" The girl yelled as she shook nervously, staring down at the lake below."Only because I can't fall. I'll freeze the whole lake with me inside it."

"You won't fall." He reassured her. "Remember our first year? With the boats? Just keep your eyes on me." He said taking both of her hands which were extremely cold.


"Hush, eyes on me." She looked into his gaze and took deep breaths, trying to control her temperature.


He slowly guided her down onto the field and the moment they landed , Venus got off the broom and hugged Willow, who shivered at her touch.

"I am never.ever.doing that again." She said sternly. "Ice witches don't fly."

"Now." Draco started, rubbing his hands together for warmth. "Which one of you BLOODY IDIOTS let her up there alone?!" he yelled angrily, glaring at the boys, his eyes landing on Harry.

Venus' eyes widened at his anger and quickly interjected, grabbing the boy's arm and pulled him away.

"It wasn't anyone's fault Draco."

"Like hell it wasn't! You could've gotten seriously injured or died!"

"Draco!" The girl cried. "Just forget it... thank you for the help." she turned and walked away leaving the angry boy alone.

"Oh Venus..." Willow said, comforting the girl in her dorm room. "He helped you, that's a good sign."

"He immediately blamed all of you though, you saw the way he looked at Harry. I won't choose between my friends like that Wills." she vented.

"Why don't we just talk to Hermione about it? I'm sure if they really care they won't mind you being friends with him."

"Maybe you're right...but you know what he said to her...I don't know if I can forgive that..."

Willow sighed and ran a finger through her hair. "And what if it's not just friends..."

"I knew it." Willow smirked, which quickly turned into a reasoning smile. "You don't need to fully forgive him. But maybe just talk to him? Besides, you'll need someone to comfort when Hufflepuff takes the Quidditch cup this year."

"You made the team?! YES! I knew it!" Venus cheered, hugging her friend.

"We should have a sleepover in my room to celebrate!" She said happily. "Tell the girls, my room tonight, come in through the window. There's a secret way around the back, I'll send Crystal to show you."

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