Cold Encounters

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The two girls hugged and walked out of the Emporium with their purchases, and towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour for a treat. "Anywhere else to go? I think we got everything on the list." Ethan asked as he pointed to the I've cream flavor he wanted, chocolate butterscotch.

"I need to go to Honeydukes to get someting for my dad."

"And I need to go to Quality Quidditch Supplies to get more broom wax." Willow added, pointing to her flavor, salted caramel.

Venus was about to tell Florean whay flavor she wanted when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Fancy a cone?" Draco said, making her double take on her words.

Willow and Ethan had already known about what had happened with Pansy through the letters they had received and they could tell Venus' reaction was difficult. She wanted to speak but her smile dropped and she looked at her feet, avoiding his gaze.

"Hey whats-"

"VENUS! What flavor did you want?" Willow cried, taking her friend by the hand and pulling her along the display window and away from the blonde boy.

Ethan looked at Draco, almost apologetically, following the two girls along the row as Venus told Florean she wanted: Pistachio.

Draco heard his mother call from outside and quickly left the store, a hurt expression on his face. Venus heard the jingle of the bell on the door go and she whipped around to see the blonde join a woman, who she pressumed was his mother by her eyes.

Willow nudged her as Florean handed her her ice cream and the three friends paid and sat at a table, enjoying their treat. Ethan saw how Venus' smile was straining after the encounter and pat her on the head.

"That bad huh?"

The ravenette looked at him and he hugged her, Willow soon piling in.

"It's not fair..."

"We know Pumpkin." Willow said, stroking her hair like a mother. "Let's enjoy our ice cream though and then go to Honeydukes to get your mind off things."

"Ok." She replied sulkily. 

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