Holiday Skate Part 1

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December rolled around and the holiday spirit filled the air as it was expected to snow. Venus laughed as her friends told her they hoped it would be a white Christmas.

"In my house, everyday is a white Christmas." She said and her friends laughed. "If you want I can make it snow right now."

"Really?!" Willow cried. "You can do that?!"

"Course." She replied. She pulled her two friends out into the courtyard and looked up into the sky. She inhaled softly and outstretched her hand upwards. She whispered something and a large burst of magic went into the clouds. After a moment, Ethan and Willow started to feel snowflakes fall.

"WOAH!" Ethan and Willow cried running around in the fast falling snow.

"That's so cool! Literally!"

"Nice trick Ice Princess." Venus whipped around and smiled at the blonde who had appeared. She walked up to him with a smile and blew a cold stream of air in his face that formed a small snowflake when she moved her hand a bit to mold the icy air.

"Very clever."


"For you, always."

She blushed and turned back to her friends who were playing with the snow. Eventually, Christmas week came and everyone went off to visit their families for the holidays. Venus was excited to return home and see her parents and Willow wouldn't stop talking about all of her siblings and Christmas fever. Ethan was just excited to be away from homework.

"And they're going to wake me up at 3am to open presents!" She groaned, already exhausted.

Venus giggled and gave the girl a side hug as Ethan sat down in front of both girls.

"Little gremlins?"


The boy sighed and facepalmed. Both girls laughed and eventually Ethan laughed too.

"Since it's the day before break, you guys want to go ice skating?" Venus suggested.

"But how? There are no small lakes here?" Willow questioned.

"Well...look who you are talking to." The girl said with a smile. "Come on! I'll get permission from the Headmaster if you guys round up some people."

"Sure!" The two replied and scurried away.

Venus approached the opening to Dumbledore's office and thought of what his new password would be.

He changed it. She knew for certain. Now what to? Oh.


The golden eagle moved aside and Venus climbed up the stairs, knocking on the door before entering.

"Good afternoon Headmaster."

"Hello Ms.Snow. I see my new password is still quite obvious." The elderly man said, greeting her.

"Who doesn't want a pair of socks for the holidays sir?"

"Exactly my dear, what brings you here?"

"This." She took out a small map of the school and pointed to a small lake within the grounds. "This is within the school and not in the forest and I was wondering if I could completely freeze it over to ice skate before break?"

"This lake, hmmm. It is quite small. I mean if we were to invite the whole school it would have to be bigger." He tapped his chin and observed the area.

"We, sir?"

"Yes, I believe a good break is in order and skating is a wonderful idea. Now, what if you stabilized part of the Large Lake over here." He asked, pointing to the mountain of water.

"I will do my best sir!"

"All right! I will let the students and staff know!" He said cheerly, waving both of them out of his office and shutting the door.

Venus ran to tell her friends who had gathered quite a small crowd of people.

"What did the headmaster say?" Willow asked her as Venus caught her breath.

"Freezing ....over...part of the....big lake....whole school and staff...damn those stairs are long." The girl laughed.

"Wait, freezing over the large lake and the whole school and staff are going? COOL!" Ethan cried loudly.

"I need to grab Crystal and my skates, to freeze over the lake. Teachers will guide you." She exhaled tiredly. "See you out there." 

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