Jealous Expectations

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Draco escorted her away into an empty drawing room. She released his arm and climbed onto the window edge to sit and watch the moon outside.

"Does it ever get tiring?"


"Having to be so formal all the time?"

Draco sighed and sat next to her, loosening his tie. "You have no idea. They push the highest standards on me and even when I'm perfect it's not enough to them."

"To society or your parents?"

"In all honesty, both."

Venus sighed and reached back, undoing her hair. It fell down around her face, loose curls now set free.

"Is that why you called Hermione a mudblood."

"Yes...I'm sorry. I felt threatened and acted without thinking. She, Weasley and Potter make me so angry-"



"Why do they make you angry?"

"Because Perfect Potter and his every move get rewarded and loved by everyone. Notice how no one else in any other house can get away with breaking the rules like he can. Especially not Slytherin."

"But is that really Harry's fault?"

"No but-"


The boy looked into Venus' eyes. They were warm and kind.

"Domt blame Harry for something he can't control. It's ok to be jealous but it's no reason to be mean to others."

"Why do you care so much?!" he spat harshly. The girl looked taken aback by his sudden outburst but remained stoic.

"Because they are my friends."

"JUST your friends? I've seen how Potter and Weasley act around you they salivate after you like the dogs they-"


Venus sprang up quickly and crossed her arms around her chest.

"If you can't learn how to control your jealousy, I can't speak with you." she said, scurrying away and out of the room.

Draco crumpled his tie in his hands and threw it angrily onto the floor. Damn his anger and protectiveness. He just wanted to make amends with the girl, but instead made matters worse. He thought after he yelled at Pansy and told her to leave the girl alone, things would go back to normal. But it was just the opposite, and he was going to fix it. 

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