Humble Hogsmeade Visit

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Despite this statement, for the rest of the week Draco seemed to make the most out of his injury, saying that he couldn't do homework or catching attention by bragging about how strong he was. But these talks stopped when he was near Venus for some reason, she assumed because he knew she knew he was lying. Much to both of their disgusts however, Pansy Parkinson fell right into his web of lies and cooed over him incessantly.

Venus rolled her eyes at the girl who was trying to spoon feed the blonde and went back into her studies. She was taking 12 classes, most of which were upper level with Hermione, so the only free times she had to study and work were during meals and late at night. Her classes and extra lessons would eat up her afternoon time. She didn't complain but her parents did, their letters filled with homemade meals for late nights and sleeping draughts to coax her to rest and take care of herself. It wasn't only them as Madam Pomfrey also began to take notice of the girl's thinner figure, bringing her snacks and such during her medical lessons so she would eat. On free afternoons in the infirmary when there were no patients, she and the older woman would play music and either study or dance. Per Professor Lupin's request, Venus had asked the matron if she could teach her any kinds of dance for her self care, so when the days were free, medical lessons would become dance lessons. The nurse wouldn't admit it but she was quite fond of the young Ravenclaw girl. She had an interest for learning that was almost insatiable, she only wished that her hunger came with self preservation for her own health.

So when the Headmaster approached the ravenette about her annual Halloween performance she had to force the girl to take time off of her extra lessons to give her free time to practice. Venus would still pop in once a week to look at the schedule and note extra busy days for her to drop by and help, but she would be shooed away by Madam Pomfrey with the request she sleep or eat.

Luckily for both of them, Venus' idea for this year's show had a new addition in mind. Ethan had revealed a talent of his that summer and the girl was ready to use his capabilities to bring everyone joy. Willow had been more than overjoyed as per usual, to make the girl an outfit for the event, taking her measurements and making alterations as she saw fit throughout the weeks.

Needless to say, it was a rushed month for the poor ice witch but she was ready for what was to come. Halloween finally came around and that marked the start of the Hogsmeade trips for 3rd years and above. Venus joined her friends for the outing and enjoyed herself for a change, getting butterbeers and sweets from the Three Broomsticks and Honeydukes to her heart's content. To clarify, her family was far from poor, with high- paying jobs and a history of pure-blood heritage, but her family never chose to flaunt their wealth unlike other families. It was apparent with the wardrobe choices students made for the trip, what kinds of families they came from. Majority of Slytherins were in luxuriously made coats and furs, while other students wore handmade jumpers. Venus chose a nice functional, yet stylish fashion. It was practical with her use of tights under her skirts and long expensive coats to keep her warm, yet minimalistic, not decked in liquid gold or silver to display her wealth. She liked to keep herself poised with wardrobe for the sake of her parents' reputation at the Ministry, no one wanted a scandal from their teenage daughter. So when it came to clothes shopping with her girlfriends at Hogsmeade, she made it a point to keep courteous with her choices and always respect others' preferences. 

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