A Raven and a Snake

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As they entered the Great Hall, they heard people around them cheer and family members yell to their younger siblings.

Venus eyed the chair with a school official next to it, holding a large hat. The sorting hat. She thought. One of the things she had thought about the most coming to Hogwarts, was her house. She already knew what it would be so she knew there would be no shock to her or her parents when she got sorted. The official greeted them and introduced herself as Professor McGonagall, as she took a large list from her pocket and unrolled the paper. She started reading the names aloud in alphabetical order. A few people were called and then it was Willow's turn.

"Willow Ciel."

Willow looked at her happily as she raced towards the staircase and sat on the chair, greeting the hat. The hat greeted her back and yelled out her house name as it was placed on her head: "Hufflepuff!"

Well that was obvious. Venus thought as she waved at her friend who raced to the Hufflepuff tables. A few other people were called and the herd of first years was thinned.

"Draco Malfoy!"

The blonde boy from earlier. Venus watched as he rose up the stairs and sat in the chair. The hat barely grazed his hair before it yelled "Slytherin!"

Wow, Slytherin? But he's so nice.

"Harry Potter!" The crowd awed as a boy stepped onto the platform and got sorted into Gryffindor after a moment, getting a cheer from the red table. The chosen one. Venus thought, reciting what she knew about him from her books and recalling his story.

"Venus Snow!"

She heard her name get called and walked to the platform. Whispers flooded the room about her last name. Oh ancestors, you could have chosen any name, yet you chose Snow. Why? She sat in the chair patiently and felt the hat go on her head. Venus listened quietly as the hat pondered on where to place her.

"Hm, too quiet for Hufflepuff, avoids bad situations... hmmnmnm..." She listened to it ponder, flinching a bit when it spoke to her. "Any input?"

The girl nodded and looked towards the blue table. "Given my traits..." She whispered.

"Good eye kiddo, Ravenclaw!" The hat announced. Venus bowed to the hat as she walked towards her table and sat down.

Draco watched as he heard the girl's name be called. So her name is Venus Snow. Lovely name for a lovely girl. He thought, watched her get sorted. He saw her lips move, probably saying something to the hat as the hat yelled. "Ravenclaw!"

Darn, not the same house. But she's smart.

Once all the first years were sorted, they were introduced to each of their professors and the staff, Venus immediately took note of one of the more interesting members as Professor McGonagall for Transfiguration classes and the Defense against the Dark arts teacher, Professor Quirrell. The headmaster, Dumbledore, spoke some odd words and then their food was served. Venus watched the walls as ghosts phased through and introduced themselves to the new kids.

"Hello, I am the Grey Lady. It's nice to meet all you first years." she said quietly as everyone gave her a smile in return.

They ate and then listened to the Hogwarts anthem, which in Venus' opinion lacked harmony, but the headmaster seemed to enjoy it so she didn't mind. Then first years were escorted to their common rooms by their Prefects. Their common room door had a riddle they needed to answer that changed each time. Fun. Venus thought as they all entered through the door and into their new living quarters. The girls were separated and went into their own dormitories. Each dorm had 4 people, but being the luck of the draw for the empty room, which had been decided prior to their entrance, Venus would be in a dorm alone. More silence and room for me. She got ready for bed and gazed out her large window. First night here, already amazing.

She stared at the stars in the sky and hummed to herself happily, drifting off to sleep. 

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