Diagon Alley

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Tuesday came around and Venus was overjoyed. Through the exchanges of letters with her friends she learned that Willow was training relentlessly to be on the Hufflepuff quidditch team and Ethan had been learning how to talk to animals. Ethan's summer project was a little more ambitious but so far he could understand a few things from his owl. A hoot here or a chirp there.

They met at Diagon Alley early that Tuesday morning in front of Florish and Blotts Bookshop. They had their school lists for the items they needed for their school year.

"Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2- already have that, Break with a Banshee by Gilderou Lockhart, Gadding with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart, Travels with-"

"This whole bloody list is just his books!" Ethan whined, cutting off Willow.

"How odd." Venus said, picking up one of books on the shelf marked "Gilderoy Lockhart" and looking at the back. "I don't think I have any of his books."

"Is that possible?" Willow asked her. "I thought your house was like, a library."

"It is and we have almost every book ever published by a wizard or witch, even some muggle books, but I've never seen any "Lockhart" books on our shelves before."

"Well then my dear girl, it seems you need the whole collection!" A voice said form behind the three friends. A blonde man with a pure white smile and pale skin stood behind them. "Gilderoy Lockhart at your service! And from the looks of it, your soon to be teacher!"

Venus' eyes widened as she examined the man silently. His face had makeup on it, meant to look flawless, his hair colored, a slight brown root poking out from his quaf. He was dressed as if he was a magician, robes dragging behind him with glittery embellishments on the outside. To her she thought he was more of a clown or magician instead of a wizard.

"Come, come, why don't I sign your books for you. It's the least I could do as your future teacher!" He encouraged, taking the book from Venus' hands and signing the front page effortlessly. Willow shrugged her shoulders and grabbed a collection of his books from the shelf, following the man to get them signed and pay for them. Ethan did the same and followed the curly brunette, leaving Venus to scan through her newly signed book.

She flipped through the pages, reading each word carefully until she shut it with a snap and grabbed the rest of the collection to check out. One thing was clear after reading only a few pages of the book. The man was no wizard. No one retold death defying stories like a muggle child's fantasy novel. If it was true, then her future teacher would have more PTSD than her father.

After buying her books with Willow and Ethan they walked out of the shop and towards Eeylops Owl Emporium to get some treats for their owls.

"I found out why I probably don't own Lockhart's books." Venus said, opening the door to the shop.

"Probably because he's a load of Dung dropping " Ethan spit, annoyance in his voice. He looked around the shelves and chose a small nut treat for his owl, Deno.

"Ethan!" Willow cried. "He's a famous wizard, and a renowned author, and our new teacher! Be nice!"

"I agree with Ethan Willow, he's not who he says he is." Venus affirmed, finding an owl safe pastry treat for Crystal.

Her friend looked into her eyes to see if she was telling the truth. Her eyes were controlled, determined, and honest. Venus was her best friend, she wouldn't lie to her, even to preserve her feelings.

"I believe you." 

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